How to propose a girl who’s your classmate: Top 5 ways

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In some earlier posts I had some great fun discussing many quirky aspects of how to propose a girl – here, here & here. Many of you have been requesting more articles on similar topics, so I thought we’ll look more closely at how to propose your classmate, since after all, this is the most common scenario for Indians trying to propose a girl. Let’s get started with the top 5 ways ranging from sweet to whacky…

#1. The good old letter between the pages

This is the classic vintage way of proposing a girl who’s your classmate in school/college/university (and super romantic too). Get hold of one of her books/copies and insert your heart in! ;) Did I say heart? I meant heart melted into a few (or five thousand if you can’t control it :P) words on a sheet of scented paper. A quaint little love letter often finds it easier to charm its way into a girl’s heart. You can find tips on how to write a love letter here.

How to propose a girl who's your classmate - love letterPhoto by Angelica Miller

#2. The good old go-to friend

If you’re one of the shy types, get a friend who’s a good-storyteller to do it for you. It’s best if you can convince a friend of hers to do it, ‘cause he/she would already have her trust and hence you’ll have more chances of success. ;)

#3. For those of you who think they’re Shah Rukh Khan…

…In the 90’s – you can declare it to the whole world, the earth, the Nature, God (…also your professors ;) ) by doing it on the stage. Wait for a college/university event, manage to bag some coordinating responsibility, and when you catch hold of the mic – tell her that you love her. A word of caution: How ever daring or confident you might feel, don’t propose on the stage in a gathering of more than 50-60 people (you’ll regret it).

How to propose a girl who's your classmate - Rock StarPhoto by von_brandis

#4. Get her hooked with some mystery

Put a very serious looking notice on the noticeboard saying something like, “the following five students have been called at such an such hour to such an such office.” Include her name, of course. Inform the other four students of your plan beforehand. Her heart will be racing with apprehensions about getting some sort of bad news from the school/college authorities … and you’ll be present at the designated place & time to give her the best news of her life (according to you ;)).

#5. Public yet private proposal

Reach your next classroom before anyone else. Write one of those cheeky “John + Jane = bliss” messages on the blackboard, big enough for everyone to see. Don’t be afraid to get creative/humorous (but avoid being suggestive or risqué, it’s a classroom!). When everyone sees it and starts laughing vehemently claim it was done by someone else to tease you. Later message her saying you did it yourself. This is great way to propose a girl if you want to start it off with good humour!

#6. Is there a #6?

Have you ever had a crush on a classmate?
Did you propose a girl who’s your classmate?
Are you currently in a relationship with/married to your erstwhile classmate?
I’m eager to know your story of how you proposed to a girl who’s your classmate. Please share it by leaving a comment.

317 thoughts on “How to propose a girl who’s your classmate: Top 5 ways”

  1. hey sulagna just wamted to ask you, how do you know that a particular girl is a female player.The kind of girl who is very experienced with guys. Can you tell me some specific characteristics of such kind of girls?

    1. Hey Ashutosh!
      Very interesting question.
      What do you mean by a female player/ a girl who’s very experienced with guys – a girl who has had many past relationships (and may be slept with a few guys) or someone who manipulates guys, keep them interested so that she can get what she wants from them, while avoiding committing to anyone?

      1. Mam now I am studying in 1st PU Science. So I am loving a girl her name is Maitri so I want to success my love. Please give me the suggestion how to success my love?

      2. Hi….I m university 1st year student….First I m shy type and I won’t talk to girls…when I was studying 12 th I got friendship with one girl.But I won’t talk to her well.She ll be trying to talk to me.She ll be waiting fr me to talk.She ll say some place where we should meet.But i wont go.She was loving another one boy and he too loves day that boy avoided her..She too realised his char and left him.I advised her a lot.Then we became best friends..Then after 1 year I want her to be in my life.She also want me. But she won’t say or express her feelings.But she is such a good and cute family girl.Then one day I asked her whether u ll marry me???she said yes I ll..I proposed her later.But what she said is that her x lover is crossing her mind and too said that she ll forget her feelings about him and erase him from her mind. And she said in future she may love me. But many times when she ignored me I ll be longing for her talk and she too feel that she can’t be without talking to me..every day we will talk for more than three hours in watsapp..she too ll talk to me daily..we ll share everything…I m in love with her deeply….I can’t be without her…Now should I wait for her??? Whether she ll love me??? Whether we are made for each other???plZ REPLY

      3. my name is and I love my classmate her name manshi but I feel very scared to propose her …I thought she say me not …I don’t no what to do..

      4. my name is Chexy and I love my classmate her name manshi but I feel very scared to propose her …I thought she say me not …I don’t no what to do..

      5. Hiii,I am in class +1 I loved a girl.We are studying in same class for 2 year.this year I proposed her through a girl.the other girl told her that he likes you but firstly she smiled and after 1 minute she told she will tell after thinking .the next day girl asked her again but she replied she has no time for these things I don’t know what to fo I love her alot please tell me what to do

      6. Hi mam or sir i am studying in 10 std and i like a girl. she
        is studying in my tution and i dont have much time before we go in 11th std i want propose her but i dont know how
        for her one smile i can do anything she laughs when i comment a joke i just want some suggetions i just what say her thai i love her before he leaves the tution so please help me loveinindia please

      7. Hi mam or sir i am studying in 10 std and i like a girl. she
        is studying in my tution and i dont have much time before we go in 11th std i want propose her but i dont know how for her one smile i can do anything she laughs when i comment a joke i just want some suggetions i just want to say her thai i love her before he leaves the tution so please help me loveinindia please i am waiting

    2. Hiii,I am in class +1 I loved a girl.We are studying in same class for 2 year.this year I proposed her through a girl.the other girl told her that he likes you but firstly she smiled and after 1 minute she told she will tell after thinking .the next day girl asked her again but she replied she has no time for these things I don’t know what to fo I love her alot

    3. Im jikku and i love a girl please help me propose her. i know very well about her and ive got chances to propose to her but she used to be with her friends so i couldnt tell her please help me

      1. hhiiiii i have same problem but i propose her first point make your behave plesent do some actting when you see her like you shoked and saw her continusily stop all work your hand stop do some this type if she love you she smiles and if not she refused you with her eyes after 6\5 days make your behave change and see in her eyes soo emotionly she understand you want to propose her…… She gives you message with her eyes understand it……… gf , when i do this she see me long time and then i went in washroom she come in washroom alone and i say . Yes or no she say yes………………
        Plese repley if you not pass
        Sorry for mistakes

      2. Friend you don’t need to be afraid because of her friends. I also loved a girl and this year I proposed her , that too when she was with her friends. I just near her (her friends were standing by her) said “I love you” , threw a paper piece towards her on which “Reply me on Facebook” was written and I ran away. And she agreed to me and now our love story is famous in the whole school

    4. Hey! My name is bhanu and i am in 11th standard. I love a girl who is in my tution . Her name is rashi please suggest me what should i do?

  2. Yes by female player i mean every type of girl- manipulative,experienced. But main question is how can you know that a particular girl is manipulating you ?

    1. hey guys i am too 9 th std
      i too love a girl she is very cute
      i think that she also loves me by her behavior
      she always looks and smiles at me and wave her hand
      guys plz give comments to make my love a success

  3. hey,, this vivek i m in standard 9, i love one girl very much but she dont …i tried this method that written above, and I’m not sure if it’s working.. Can u help?

  4. Hey.. Well there is this one girl who is my best friend and i’ve fallen for her. She’s been close to me from the last 6-7 months now. But recently she started to ignore me, she rarely texts me and when she does shes not into it. I asked her the problem she said shes stressed and she doesnt wanna share i insisted and what i got as a reply was ” why are you talkin as if you’re my BF? ”
    I want her to he my gf and i love her like crazy. She knows how much i care for her. Help me out please :( what shud i do? Im afraid i might ruin the frndship if i propose her.

    1. I can tell you exactly what you should do. It’s not easy, but it’s a rule that works with both guys and girls, 100% of the time.
      The rule is – stop talking to her. Completely.
      It’s an unfair rule of Nature that human beings feel infinitely more attracted to the person they can’t get, over the one who’s standing there, waiting, ready to do anything in the world for them.
      There are three possibilities in your situation –
      #1. She’s really stressed about something private (may be related to her family or something very personal) which she can’t share with you (she’s known you only for 6-7 months). Whatever it is, it’s making her so anxious and on the edge that she’s behaving rudely with you (snubbing you when you offer to help etc.).
      #2. She really doesn’t want you as a boyfriend. She’s realized that you’ve developed more-than-friends feelings for her and that’s why she’s avoiding you.
      #3. She’s playing hard to get.
      In any of these cases, what you need to do is – I repeat – STOP showing ANY concern whatsoever.
      Let me show you why.
      Scenario #1. Deep down she knows you’re someone who genuinely cares for her and who she can trust. So in this case my bet is, when she realizes she’s lost you (‘cause you’re going to stop bothering her) she’ll eventually someday come and confide in you what it is that’s bothering her. She’d realize she can’t take you for granted, and that your friendship is valuable to her.
      Scenario #2. There’s nothing you can do if someone doesn’t want you as a boyfriend. If this is the case I’d say she’s being really honest by staying away from you, ‘cause it shows she doesn’t want to exploit your feelings for her by tagging your along as a friend without committing to you.
      So what’s the solution for you in this case? Please read my reply to Shrey’s comment on this thread. I’d say it’s the same in your case too.
      Scenario #3. Like I said in the beginning, it’s a sad fact of life that playing hard to get works. Only this time, it’s you who’ll do it, not her. The people who love the most to play hard to get are ironically the ones who’re the most susceptible to its charms, when it’s played back on them. So just wait, cutting off all communication, and it’s she who’ll come running back to you in some time.

      1. Hi Loveinindia I have also similar case like aadil.
        She had been by fren since 2 years we share all our problems with each other. She shares most of her thoughts and stuff with me. I really don’t if she likes me or not. But she talk with everyday for an hour without ignoring if I call her but she gives a damn if I don’t. She never call me back. Rarely responds back my sms.
        Once I though I would not call her until she contact me and stopped. Even after 5 day I didn’t receive single sms form her. But on the 5th day I receive her msg on facebook with just 4 words “where do you lost?” Then after seeing that msg I lost my control and call her back.
        She is in contact with other boys too and I fear I would loose her because of them.
        I am really confuse should I propose to her or should wait.
        I have already written a proposing letter but haven’t handed to her in the fear of loosing her as fren. I really love her very much, die for her single smile.
        Can you suggest me something. What should I do?

        1. Sawrox two words – Step back. You’re in a tiring game of “playing pricey”. Young girls are quite given to this game, mainly because they’re highly in demand by guys at this point in their lives. A funny thing about such people (actually, most people) is that the more you show your dedication the less value you’ll hold to them, and the reverse is also true – the less attention you give them the more you’ll get from them. Your girl knows exactly how you feel about her. She enjoys your attention but won’t admit it. Hence she never contacts you on her own. BUT the moment you stopped contacting her she started fearing losing you, and hence she contacted you back. She knows very well that that’s all you’ll need to come running back.
          Hence what you should do now is to step back on the attention you’re givin her. The step you took was the right one – that of not contacting her, thereby showing her less attention. I know it will be very difficult but you need to stop giving her so much attention. This will serve two purposes – 1. She’ll stop taking you for granted, because you’re not available any more. 2. She’ll start giving you more importance because that’s how such people work.
          Proposing her is definitely not an option at this moment. Even if she says yes, you’d have set a very wrong tone for the relationship by being too slavish. Hence reduce the attention quotient now. If she contacts you back, don’t rush to call her back. Call her back after a good 24 hours of her contacting you.
          All the best.

          1. Haha…..why? Class 7 guys also propose girls.As well as me :P….Still i’m a bit scared though

      2. hey loveindian, i need help, there is this girl i met at 2013 january during the registration at the university and since then we have been together as friends but we both know deep inside that we have got love for each ada nd we respect each adas thoughts. we are both shy. i once stoped giving her attention as i’ve seen that xe was playing hard to get but now xe keep on coming to my room after school. my problem is that i know that if i propose her xe will probably reject me and hate me, because xe once told me.

  5. Ho dear,
    I’m in degree engineering & I like a girl in our institute’s diploma engineering. I tried to ask her with my sister, but she refuses. I also heard that she has a boyfriend.
    I want her. I love her truly. Please give me a suggestion…

    1. Hi Shrey,
      Thanks for writing to me.
      First thing – talk to her directly. Tell her about your feelings. That’s the best shot you have at convincing her. If she has any feelings for you whatsoever, talking to her directly is the best way of bringing them out.
      However even if she’s not interested in you, you need to hear that from her and her only.
      I can tell you what you’re experiencing when you see or think of that girl. It’s heady, light, elated, excited feeling inside your head.
      Am I right?
      That feeling is called infatuation. And Relationship Rule #1 is – All infatuation is not love.
      Shrey, you’re too young to be 100% sure about who – or what – you want in life. I’m sorry if this hurts you but I’m 100% sure this is infatuation, not love.
      You know why?
      ‘Cause Love at First Sight is actually a nice-sounding name for the real phenomenon of Infatuation at First Sight (IFS). IFS can very well lead to real love – over time – if the two people are right for each other. However, IFS itself is not real love.
      Therefore in your situation, even if you lose her, it would just mean your infatuation didn’t lead to love. It will definitely not mean you’ve lost the love of your life.

    2. I like a girl who is in 9 standard I did propose her but she ignored me and the most worst thing is that few of my friend told her about me publicly now it seems she is angry wjat to do please help

  6. Hey,
    I am a university student in my 3rd year of graduation. There is this girl who always looked/glanced at me since first year but we didn’t talked at that time. By chance, we got to have common friends and we went for outings together. On an outing in the 2nd year, she herself talked to me taking help of one of our friends. I am a very quiet guy, so it never went more than saying a “hi” and smiling after that. But her glances always remained the same which gave me a kind of hint of her having some feelings. Many times she ignored me but when I ignored in return, she herself talked somehow the very next day. She had some close guy friends with whom she spent time and wander around. So I never took it very seriously. She is a very cute girl.
    Nowadays, she seems to be attracted much towards me. She keep looking at me in classes and outside and even when she talks to others. She tries to face towards me if she notices me coming. She behaves very differently around me like she becomes quieter and nervous than what she normally is. She imitates many of my actions like if I cross my arms and even she repeats the words which I tell. She even seems to have very less friendship with other guys with whom she used to wander around. She tries to tell me what she likes. And the list goes on and on as I have noticed them for almost 3 years.
    Now, I have really started liking this girl and wants to take some step. I never had any connection to girls and talk very less to them as I was in completely boy’s school before this. I have no experience. I don’t know how to make any move and what to do after that. Please help me with my situation..

    1. You’ve got to served to you on a platter dear – she’s bigtime into you! ;)
      And she comes across as a very genuine girl, truly in love with you – because she’s been consistent in her attention over THREE YEARS!
      She’s given you enough hints. Now it’s your turn. Start flirting with her. As the two of you get more and more comfortable with each other, you should then start planning for finally proposing to her.
      Just one word of caution – don’t make the mistake of proposing to her before getting her to loosen up (i.e. through flirting and general warming up to each other). She’s a relatively shy girl and needs that comfort before she finally commits to you.

    2. Thanks for help..
      This girl shows all these signs and everytime I think of making a move, one barrier stops me. She has some 4-5 close guys as friends with whom she hangs around during evening hours and it seems that she enjoys their company too much. What does this mean?

      1. They are FOUR TO FIVE in number right? So she can’t openly hint to ALL of them that she likes them! So it’s quite likely that they’re just friends.
        Anything particular about how she behaves around these guys? “girl-ly” or friend-ly? I’m sure you know the difference.

        1. She doesn’t have a very girly nature but she dresses up such that she looks very cute. Her style is very feminine. They have many jokes, teasing and laughing among themselves. But I have heard that best friend can be a lover and there might be a possibility that she likes one of them.
          As you said, I too think that she is completely into me. Once, I even felt that one of her friends was giving me a hint that she likes me. Can’t she make a move? Her nature is very different on all days which completely confuses me. Sometimes she ignores me, sometimes she treats me like all other guys around, sometimes she looks at me like she just wants me and sometimes she wants to talk to me.
          I am actually ready to move forward but her behaviour towards them and her change in behaviour towards me confuses me..

    1. Well try any of the methods here:
      Especially the online methods like youtube etc. are usually effective for shy girls.

      1. You I am little afraid to propose to her because of the fact that I am a NO ONE in this unfair world. I cant sleep at night only because I keep on thinking of negative side of what will happen if she says ‘NO’ to me. I get a push when I notice that she opens up only in front of me. We keep on talking to each other on the phone for 20 minutes to half an hour and that gives me some confidence. But when I ask my self one question that “Who am I?” I get depressed a lot. Can my life be any better than this? Please help.

        1. Ameya – Obviously you have a few things going for you.
          1. She opens up only to you – a big step ahead in a girl’s world.
          2. She talks to you over the phone at length.
          But it can’t yet be gauged with certainty if she’s romantically into you or not.
          Are you a shy guy? You seem to be.
          The first step to overcome that and yet try your way towards her is to start flirting: How to flirt with an Indian girl.
          Tell me how things go with that approach and then we can see if and when you should propose: Proposing a girl – Tips for overcoming shyness.

          1. Hey I cant bear this sensation I think that on Friday I will write her a letter on which I will express my feelings to her cause our exams are going to get over on the day. And after that she will meet me on Monday on the last day of the college so I think I will get some reply on the day. After that she wont be meeting me for 1 month or more. What do you think should I do this or should I wait? Please reply.

      2. Lovedonia help thrs ths gal I love most nd am tllng her lyk every day buh she seems lyk not gvng me a chance nd by the way shes in love wth ths other guy wat cn I do

  7. I’m In 9th standard and I love a girl who is in 8th. She:-
    1) she asks about my plans for holidays
    2)she starts the conversation
    3)she replies to all my questions and statements positively
    4)she asks me about my day via text everyday when she is out of city
    5)she talks to me in the school bus herself

    What does all this mean? How close i am to her heart according to girls psychology?
    I can’t afford to lose her……. Please Help me.

  8. Hi,
    I have worked on most of ur suggestions. They worked fine.
    But here’s my problem.
    I love my best friend(girl). we are besties for last 4 years, now i ve fallen for her and realized she is the one whom i can make my life. I ve just cleared my PLUS TWO boards and she too did. I will propose her, if she accepts then all will be ur credit. If she dosent reply(take time). How should I ignore her so that friendship also remains forever. :)

    Thank u.

    1. That’s an important question Satirtho. Here are some suggestions: Help! I’m in love with my best friend! Part 1 and Help! I’m in love with my best friend! Part 2.
      Since this comment is about a week old (sorry for the delay in replying :) ) I assume you’ve proposed her by now. Let me know how things go. Just one word of caution – don’t say anything about wanting to remain friends until and unless it’s clear that there’s no way she’s accepting you as a boyfriend. If you mention it earlier you’ll come across as trying to hedge your bets in a cowardly way – not a great first impression to create on you crush. ;)
      Let me know how things go. All the best. :)

  9. hey der’s a grl in my cochng who gives me a glance daily!

    even i like her bt m not confirmed whther she likes me r not!
    hlp me out plz….

  10. hey, can u tell me some tricks for knowing whether my classmate likes me or not without actually proposing her i m in 11 class

    1. Great question Dev.
      How do you know if a girl likes you?
      Look at her eyes and smile when she talks to you – does that indicate any kind of blushing/overexcitement?
      Chat her up online. From behind their screens people tend to be more honest, so carefully observe the way she chats with you. After some time you can even try to lightly start flirting with her, starting with harmless things like complimenting her on her looks and what a special person she is etc. The way she responds will give you the answer.

  11. i am confused should i propose my classmate. She use to play with other boys like hitting n all that but dont do such things with me. we have normal talk about our likes dislikes ,about our friends . i know that she care about me. and we have more talk on sms than phone…
    i am shy with girls

    1. i am confused should i propose my classmate. She use to play with other boys like hitting n all that but dont do such things with me. we have normal talk about our likes dislikes ,about our friends . i know that she care about me. and we have more talk on sms than phone…
      i feel.shy with all her friends around to talk to her.

      1. The fact that she normally plays with other boys but converses with you instead, can in itself be an indication that she likes you as something more than a friend. ;) [That can be the case, but there’s no guarantee.]
        A great way to know what a girl really wants is to start flirting with her online – very lightly in this case since she’s a friend. You can start with harmless things like complimenting her on her looks and what a special person she is etc. The way she responds will help you understand whether she “likes” you in “that sense” or not. :)

  12. Hey myself Shiba…… I’m in B.Pharm 2’nd sem. I’m in love with a girl who is very much precious for me……. She knows that I love her bt she doesn’t likes the word “Love” and also falling in love… she thinks it may spoil her as well as my study career

    1. Yeah a lot of people think like that, especially in India, till they realize in their pursuit of their career they’ve missed out on the most important thing of life – people.

      I know ’cause I was one of them.

      But of course this is not for you to explain to her – you’re not her parent. :D Unfortunately for her it will be too late when she realizes the truth (like I have).

      Since she’s not ready for a relationship now, don’t tell her anything directly. Send her a half-joking-but-not-really message saying, “You’re the career-woman. You’re OK if someone waits for you as a friend till you’re ready and then – BANG! – marries you, right?”
      This would be your way of letting her know of your intentions without offending her.
      Since she knows your feelings, she’ll understand. Her response will tell you what are her feelings towards you.
      If she gives you any trace of encouragement, congratulations. :)
      If she’s cold however – rest assured – she’d make it clear. In that case just move on. You don’t know her for a very long time. She’s only a crush, not a girlfriend. So don’t give things in your life more meaning than they hold. Here’s something to get you thinking:
      Q&A: How to Get Over a Devastating Break-Up?

  13. I like a girl. She is my Classmate .I’m Pursuing Engineering.
    She is a lil-bit shy girl.But I’m afraid to tell her that I love her,as she is a princess and I’m just a bloody frog. jokes apart.
    We talks to me only when she need help in her studies.That make me more Studious.
    :D I topped in my collage although she didn’t even noticed. :(
    I want to tell her but… kindly help me out. :)

    1. Do you talk online? It’s a great way to connect for shy people like you (and me) and your crush.
      Try flirting online. Check this for some tips on this: How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Do not say anything directly. While chatting with her, go, “What kind of guys do you like? Do you like academic stars?”
      And then follow up with, “How would you feel if the college topper tells you today that he loves you?;)”
      She should get the hint and respond accordingly.
      If she expresses any hint of encouragement, your job is done. ;) For a shy girl like her, any trace of positive feedback means that she at least has soft feelings for you. :)
      In case she says “No”, do not press it. If she’s not interested in you, there’s nothing you can do about it. You’ll have to accept it.
      In that case, whatever you do, don’t “stay friends”. Do not engage in friendly helpful conversations with her about academic matters. Stay as away from her as possible, it will make it easier for you to overcome you weakness for her.
      Let me know how things go.

  14. hey sulagna i want to tell you my story. i am suraj i will go now in 8th std i like a girl but i cant propose her because i fear that she would tell teacher or her parents and i dont think that she loves me i want her to become my gf . she is too much good looking than me please, please, please tell me how to impress her please and please tell me fast iam eager to know .

      1. reply me about this situation…
        Im in 10th standard. I love a girl, as she is in 9th standard….
        in our school, boys r not allowded to talk wid d girlz….
        she always look @ me…
        I also give responce through my eyes…
        I want to propose her… but the problem is that she iz never alone(she is always wid her frnzz)….
        she look beautifull… many of boys tried to empress her but she never responded them,,,
        i love her too much… and iz not on fb… and I dont even have her mobile no.
        what should i do??

      2. Hi,Im doing CA I like a girl in my institute, she is my classmate but I don’t know anything about her,I want to talk her and be friend to her,I have very careing feelings for her but I’m afraid what she thinks about if I shows intrest to her,I even don’t talk to any girl uptill now but I really want her,I love her,please suggest me what can I do.

  15. Hello loveinindia
    Mai ek ladki se pyaar karta hu.use purpose karna chahta hu but problem is she is my best friend ……..hum Dono 1 year pehle tak ek saath college mai padhte the ek hi class mai …then first she came to ne talk tome uske baad sab normaly tha …after some time I like her too much but Muje Kabi uske side se Aisa Kuch feel ni hua ki wo bi Muje like karti hai isliye maine use purpose ni kiya ….wo ladki mai bahut attitude hai but usne Kabi mere samne ye show ni kiya humesha Muje pyaar se baat karti thi ……suddenly usne muje ignore karna suru kar diya …..ab hun Dono ka college complete ho gaya hai but ab to mai uske baare mai Kuch jyada hi sochne laga hu ..Kya karu …use apne dil ki baat bi ni keh pa raha hu kyoki agar usne mna kar diya to hamari dosti bi tut jayegi ….mai Kya karu ki wo Haa kar de….

  16. hey loveinindia,
    i am ajay, a student at iit kanpur.i love a girl from my coaching classes…i couldn’t propose her at that time.when classes were off i tried messaging her….but i failed….and you know just on message and phone conversations i have proposed her many a times(even she blacklisted my phone numbers and blocked me on facebook)…but she doesn’t understand….
    i will be obliged if you help me get her know how much i love her…..
    please do reply.

    1. Look Ajay, the first thing that turns a girl OFF is being too clingy too soon.
      Always remember the following:

      Women want men, not boys.

      You’ve made a mistake by doing that little slave impression of yours.

      There are two options:
      1. Forget her and move on. If you ask me, this is the best one. How to Enjoy your Singlehood
      But of course, this is not easy. And you want easy at the moment. ;) So we move on to option #2.
      2. Try damage control. Online is a great place to start (IF you’re still on her online contacts of any kind, that is). Check this for some tips on this: How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls

      Here are some more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

  17. hi i am kunal i love a girl from class7 and iam dam sure she also loves me now i am in 9 i dont know how to propose her i never find her alone in school after the school she is there with his brother i am affraid of telling her i love you when i see her my mind stops thinking she is in section c and i
    am in a last year we were together in the same section plase help me\

    1. Here’s the first thing that you need – overcoming your lack of confidence. Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness

      Always remember the following:

      Women want men, not boys.

      Be proud of who you are and show it. Inner confidence is always the first thing that helps cinch the deal for a guy.

      Since she’s your classmate, here are some more helpful info specific to your case:
      Proposing your classmate

      Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 1
      Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 2

      Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

  18. hey i am virat i am a bcom student.
    i met a girl last week in my collage during my exams, she was in my examination hall and i noticed her looking at me or we can say staring at me number of times… i like her too but the problem is that she is from other faculty and i dont even know her name…
    now i want to make friendship or relationship (if possible) with her what should i do now to become her friend or b.f ?

  19. hey i am virat i am a bcom student.
    i met a girl last week in my collage during my exams, she was in my examination hall and i noticed her looking at me or we can say staring at me number of times… i like her too but the problem is that she is from other faculty and i dont even know her name…
    now i want to make friendship or relationship (if possible) with her what should i do now to become her friend or b.f

  20. Hey, i want to share my problem wid u actually i love aa girl who was my classmate… By the time we also came in a relationship wid each other… Every thing just went rite untill she just started ignoring me.. She started arguments wid me on even small issues n 1 day i came to know dat she has an another relationship wid other guy… Can u tell me what wud have been the reason behind it.. I dont know what 2 do now.. Plss help me out of this mess.. Pls.. :[

    1. I’m really sorry for what’s happening to you Arsh. Some things in life are really not in your control – like whether your girlfriend is going to cheat. However, you have control over how you deal with the situation.
      Here’s something for you: 9 Rules to Deal with a Cheating Boyfriend
      While the name mentiones “boyfriends”, the general principles are equally applicable to anyone who’s been a victim on cheating. Please go through it and try to apply it to your life.
      Does your gf want to get back with you? If not, don’t try to get her back. I think it’s healthy for both of you to not be together any more.
      If you really, really feel you’re both OK with giving the relnship another chance, think it through very carefully. Check the article I linked – hopefully it will help you through the process.
      All the best Arsh.

  21. Hi
    M Ngam i hve been gone crazy of a girl who is new to my class for da last 3 months we don,t even talk each other till now from moment we saw each other but when she saw me, she always smile at me and inside the class she just keep on looking at me whenever i turn around . As the day pass on today is the first time i talk her,i invite her for a coffee at the collage canteen as we keep on introducing each other ,she ask that do u have a GF ,n i say no do you? she reply me with a sweet smile no ,before she left the canteen she left me a massage written that she love me and invite me for a dinner tomorrow ,so what shall i do can you please help me out i love her but its hard to express .

    1. If there’s ONE word (well, sentence :D) of advice I had to give you for impressing a girl, it would be this:

      Women want men, not boys.

      Here’s the first thing that you need – overcoming your lack of confidence. Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness

      Always remember the following:

      Women want men, not boys.

      Be proud of who you are and show it. Inner confidence is always the first thing that helps cinch the deal for a guy.
      Here are some more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

  22. Hey, not be able to write on board
    friend also wants her they also does’nt help and other thing is also not possible
    and girl is also very clever and she rejected many?
    Now pls tell me a way how i become her close friend and propose her pls

    1. Get to know her a bit. Go out with her if you can. Do not propose her as your first step. Just tell her you’d like to go to a movie with her. Or want to go out and grab a coffee with her. Tell her you think you and she could be great friends and hence you want to know her better.
      See how that works. ATB :)

  23. Hi, I study in class 12, i love a girl since 9th class but i am very shy. She knows it that i have a crush on her but I dont know whether she likes me or not. One of my friend who is a friend of her says me that she blushes when someone teases her with my name. I dont know what to do. I am planning to propose her but one problem is there that she is in another section. How should i approach her? and how should I propose her, I really love her and i cannot live without her… Please Help..! Thanks in advance..!

  24. hello thanks to author, ur just two awesome i was able gather my past college days the way u put in ur words it made go baack to the situation which i’ve been through,

    and ya i was in love with my classmate, she had a bf but then she liked me after few months they broke up she was very sad i proposed her one fine day, i was too shy i made her stand in front of me for 1 hour to tell those three words, even she knew i’m about to propose her but she din’t accept it was a failure.

    1. Thanks a lot for your appreciation Muheeb. You made my day. :)
      Failure in love is one of most common and most defining experiences one faces in the process of growing up. There’s nothing to regret about it, if you take a long-term view of things. Here’s someone you liked, who could’ve been someone meaningful in your life but has not been. Someone else will be. It’s as simple as that, given the fact that you really haven’t spent any time with this girl and hence don’t know if she was right for you.
      With the right attitude and some level of maturity, I’m sure you’d be able to make all your relationships immensely value-adding to your life.

  25. hey……i am luving a girl in tution. i am loving her and another girl is loving me………….. wat shall i do?????? please help me…..

    1. Ha ha ha… You’re in a funny situation here V…Indian boys rarely find themselves in a situation of being chased by girl. I suspect you’re pretty young… and hence not in a position to take “big decisions” of life like who’s The One for you. :D .. This is the time for testing things out for you. You can be frank with this girl who has a crush on you and tell her that you don’t have anything to offer her at the moment. About the girl you have a crush on, well that’s what this article is all about.:)

  26. Hi, I study in class mca, i love my classmate. She knows it that i have a crush on her but I dont know whether she likes me or not. she is also my time i praposed to her.but they just tell me only friendship not loveship. I dont know what to do. I am planning to again one time prapose her. How should i approach her? and how should I propose her, I really love her and i cannot live without her… Please Help..! Thanks in advance..!

    1. Hey Daya,
      Here’s what you need then: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
      Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:

      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2

      Always remember the following:

      Women want men, not boys.

      Be proud of who you are and show it. Inner confidence is always the first thing that helps cinch the deal for a guy.

      Since she’s your friend, here are some more helpful info specific to your case:
      Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 1
      Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 2

      Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

  27. hi i know a girl, infact i have proposed her but first of all she said straight away no but then i asked one of her close friends to ask from her & that close friend said to me that she loves me, but when i asked dat to her she said no i had one more friend he was a gentle friend & also a consultor of her she shared everything wid him & she said to him dat she only likes me as a friend plz help me out i am not able to understand the mind of dis girl!!!! & i love her truly wid all my heart!!! plz help me out!!!!! :'(

    1. Hey Prashan,
      Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
      Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:

      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2

      Always remember the following:

      Women want men, not boys.

      Be proud of who you are and show it. Inner confidence is always the first thing that helps cinch the deal for a guy.

      Since she’s your friend, here are some more helpful info specific to your case:
      Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 1
      Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 2

      Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

    1. Listen Harry. I think you’re doing it the wrong way. Your lack of confidence is showing through. If there’s one thing that turns most girls off is shyness and utter lack of confidence.
      Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
      Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:

      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2

      Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

  28. hey sulagna i love a girl is my mate in the college.
    she sits in the class just beside me.
    i have never proposed to a girl of my kind so i need to kno how to do it.
    im scared. plzzzzz reply soon or sum1 elz will take her.

    1. Adarsh you have to talk to her.
      Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
      Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:

      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2

      Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

  29. Hi,,
    My name is Raj and I’m in XII class. I love a girl but I am afraid to propose her.. cause I’ve never fallen in love with anyone.. Can Anyone will help.. :(

    1. Raj you have to talk to her.
      Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
      Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:

      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2

      Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

  30. Hello,
    I am in 9th standard.I love a girl very much,she was in my section last year and we talked very much too but now as our sections has been separated I don’t get much chance to talk to her and I think that if we don’t talk more often she’l forget me completely.What should I do?All my friends are telling me to propose her but I am really very afraid that what would be her reaction(and I am also kind of shy).Pleaseeeeeee tell me what should I do…..Please rply me quikly because I really really want to be her BF….
    Thank you

  31. Hello,
    I am in 9th standard.I love a girl very much,she was in my section last year and we talked very much too but now as our sections has been separated I don’t get much chance to talk to her and I think that if we don’t talk more often she’l forget me completely.What should I do?All my friends are telling me to propose her but I am really very afraid of what would be her reaction(and I am also kind of shy).Pleaseeeeeee tell me what should I do…..Please rply me quikly because I really really want to be her BF….

    1. Sahil you have to keep up contact with her. Not because she’d “forget” you if you don’t (I doubt she would, if she really likes you), but because if you don’t she might think you have lost interest.
      Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
      Chat with her online if you can:

      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2

      Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

  32. See i have to propose her because she is the girl of my dreams and the way u r giving is not juding me.give me some another tips.she is my classmate.dont send tips to my facebook account.send it to my mail account

      1. Matilda is my classmate and I am deeply in love with her but I find it difficult to propose her. we chat each other on whatsapp at least twice a week but I can’t say it. Plz help me out.

  33. Assa ami akta mayake valobashi kintu she amake valobashe na. She friendship korte chai ami ki korbo?

    1. Well to tell you the truth Shobhon, if you still have romantic feelings for her it’s probably best not to be friends with her right now. It makes you feel like they’re somehow somewhere available when they’re not. It makes you available to them forever as a fall back option, an emotional support when they need it, a shoulder to always cry on. And most importantly, it hinders you from investing emotionally in other romantic possibilities around you.
      Have a frank chat with her. Tell her, “As you know I have feelings for you which go beyond friendship. I’m afraid if I stay close to you at the moment it’ll make it mroe difficult for me to overcome them, which I have to, since I don’t want to disturb your life.” See how she reacts. In case this offer for friendhsip is a veiled acceptance of your love, you’ll get to know from her reaction to this.
      All th best. :)

  34. i am a class 9 student and i like one girl since 8th standard. we didn’t or don’t talk to each other. suddenly one of my friends told her that i love her. she was surprised and said that she’ll think about it what does that mean. does she like me

    1. Wow…it definitely means she likes you dear…you haven’t told anything herself and she’s not saying a straight “No”…that surely means something… :P

  35. i wanted to ask that if i went to a tour and there i met a girl who is my uncles friends daughter she is very charming and i want to propose her.what can i do?

  36. Hello, I’m Ajith . I’m tenth standard student. I love a girl in 9 th standard. But she don’t even know me
    what is the best way to propose? ( i’m a little bit shy)

    1. Ajith you have to talk to her.
      Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
      Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:

      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2

      Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

  37. Hi…i am in 10th standard,i fell in love with a girl who is in 9th standard….i love her but she dont know it,evn she dont noe me….how can i talk to her nd propose her??? She is in fb too….plz reply plz :-(

  38. Hi Im Amal
    got an serious sitution. I love a girl who is sister of my best friend, He is already aware of this matter, but my parents and her parents are very close. So don’t have guts to say to her that I luv her

  39. hi,

    i am student of iit delhi . i get in love with a girl ,she is my class mate . we know each other from last 15 days . even i not know if she is single ? or main problem is that m propose nhi kr pa rha . what i do ?

    1. Umesh you have to talk to her.
      Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
      Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:

      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2

      Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

  40. Yes i was in love with my friend . It was my 5th year in lovd with her . So 1 day g planned to tell her . So i proposed her online on facebook . I just wrote what was in my mind . And finnaly it was a YES

  41. I made my mind to propose a classmate (Taapsy) I dont know well. I told my feelings to my best friends. I had a doubt that if she likes me too as she always smiles when I tried to lock eyes… so one day me n my friends asked her about it. She rejected in first place. Then I talked to her on facebook. It seemed that she is interested. Then I told the whole story to my cousin who is her best friend. And then I asked her infront of my nd her best friends. … at last she agrees. :) :) :) !!!!!

  42. i m Govind.. i am in 9th grade ilove a girl who is not willing to be in a relationship…. what should i do??

    1. Govind you have to talk to her.
      Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
      Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:

      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2

      Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

      1. i knw her well…. we r gud frnds….. i m nt shy to go to her… so shold i tell her??? will she accept??

        1. For shy guys, Facebook is the best place to approach a girl he likes. Pls go through the links… start chatting with her on FB…get to knwo her… it’ll give you an idea of whether she’s going to ilke you or not.

          1. i am back loveindia! i talked to her and she said that she does not know that how the feeling like loves comes in this age! what to do? she thinks that in this age no one can love! she likes me as a friend!

  43. hi,
    i am mohan and studying 11th std , i love a girl in my class. In my class so many are new students (including my lover).she was beautiful and i was not as much fair.many students in my class knows i am loving her.she study well . in my class many were new so i don’t know how to talk and propose with her.i feel shy to talk with girls.please help me how to propose her…

    1. Mohan you have to go and talk to her.
      Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
      Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:

      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
      Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2

      Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:

      How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
      How to Impress Your Girlfriend
      How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
      Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
      Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
      The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl

      Let me know how things go. :)

  44. Hey……. Admin…….My name is Utkarsh I am a student of 11 class and and I am i love I tried proposing her directly but i could’nt becausr of my fukin shyness sooo Then I wrote a letter to her….. but she replyed……that ” UTKARSH MERA KOI CRUSH HAI BUT AGAR VO NA HOTA FER MEIN SHYAD TUMHE HAN.KAR DETI” I….I was disappointed plz suggest me some ideas plz i need them

    This is the letter I wrote plz rate it…..
    .and if u find it usefull plz add it to ur blog

    Hey..can i buy 2 mins of your precious time…out of all those indirect and unusual akward proposals..i would like to say that i was attracted to you ever since i saw yoy..itcwas a completely different feeling standing in front of yoy and admiring you was the best part ..though i didnot approach to yoy as im a little shy and introvert..and would want youy to understand my feelings through this piece of paper..i would like yoy to be my side..yoy can take youre time and tell youre not a just shy to face yoy.. if yoy find me as youre could reply positevely any time you want…bas..i just said jo mere dil me khud anjaan tha..i was lost yun teri he dhun khud naadan tha! :)……..

  45. i proposed my crush using a letter bit she said no….plz help me admi mera letter neeche likha hai plz rate it and if u find it usefull plz use it in ur blog

    Hey..can i buy 2 mins of your precious time…out of all those indirect and unusual akward proposals..i would like to say that i was attracted to you ever since i saw yoy..itcwas a completely different feeling standing in front of yoy and admiring you was the best part ..though i didnot approach to yoy as im a little shy and introvert..and would want youy to understand my feelings through this piece of paper..i would like yoy to be my side..yoy can take youre time and tell youre not a just shy to face yoy.. if yoy find me as youre could reply positevely any time you want…bas..i just said jo mere dil me khud anjaan tha..i was lost yun teri he dhun khud naadan tha! :)


  47. Hi , this is Siddhant ,
    I love a girl in my college , there is no doubt that I have a true love on her . Since , I saw her first time on the first day of college , i fell in love with her (You can call it as “love at first sight”) . My college was started on 28th july and I probably must had attended two or three lectures of Electronics only . But she is a regular and a sincere student . In this period of time I never talked to her and I just goes to college for looking at her sitting at last bench . I just could not dare a bit to talk to her and proposing her is far thing . So , You just please tell me that how to start my relationship with her and to maintain it too. I wish you could know that what beauty she has , Oh God , The Moon is Fainter to her.
    So , I hope you might have understood my feelings and I will be waiting for your reply……

  48. Hey , see , you please just reply me in a practical way , please don’t give those above suggestions like facebook dating , how impress her or propose her through facebook . I just want some practical way so that i can develop a girlfriend boy friend relationship between us .


  50. i m 21 yrs old….i like my frnd who is also my classmate….i love her truly….but i dnt knw tht she likes me or nt…accdng 2 me (10% likes) from her…i cn make out frm his talks…but i m nt sure…..she is bit introvert…not tht open…..i cnt tell my feelngs 2 her..bcoz i dnt wnt lose my a frnd also i wl b depressed…people wl make fun of me…..pls help me

  51. hey…i’m in 1st pu. i have a really great crush on my senior in coll(2nd pu). shes my very far off relative which really doesnt matter to me. i think i’m in love but i’m not sure… we became a bit close after i got her no. n we started texting…then i used to call her up around 3-4 times a week n talk about life…throw random questions at her to make it intresting…theres not an hour of d day that i’ve thought of how to impress her….nd lately thinking about proposing her… sometimes after coll if she hasnt got company…i walk along with her to the bus stop.. we chat until she boards the bus n den i gotta walk away…my friends tell that ” u guys seem more of like committed with her and u tell u arent? ” i feel shes the one for me… i think its time for me to share my feelings about her with herself. i can take it as slow as u suggest but i seriously dont want a “NO”…none of d above methods r gonna work n i know that…i’ve also taken out the feelin of me being her junior in coll…i still text her everyday and do get replies for each one…i call up whenever i’m free(around 2 days a week)…now please gimme some suggestions

  52. i love a girl……….she is actually my classmate …….she was first in a relationship …now she had a break up ..i want to purpose her in school …..give some suggestions …..she is my classmate also

  53. Sir, i love to our collage classmate very much,bt that love to me i do not known.Its behavior is sirious type and do not talk’s to everyone classmate.
    How do frindship and how to perpose him ?
    Plz help me

  54. hi…Iam PrEm….Iam studying In sv..Iam in Love with a girl in my tuition class.but iam confused how to propose her..iam not much close to her…but i think she loves me…plz tell me a way to propose her…

  55. hii….Iam PrEm…Iam studying in X…Iam in love with a girl in my tuition class…plz tell me way to propose her…i think she loves me but..but i have to propose her if i want to make her mine..soo plz

  56. I am a engineering student and I like a girl of our class.But she is interested in other guy(as I think).so how to forget her,because I’m going to study in that class with her for next 3 yrs.thanks in advance.

  57. Hello frnd. there is no girlfriend of me since 3 years and i feel so comfort with that but sometimes i feel so lonely and get irritate from my self.Is the loneliness good for me?

  58. Hey ,,my name is Irfan,,i am in i lOve a girl i dnt only love she also love me in writing i had told her many times,,,she always talk to me,,nd we always stay together she alwys look at me nd she alwyz smile after looking at me,,,nd when i gave her in written tht i love her,,,nd she also told ke she love me bt she hoped ki i will propose her on face,,,,now i want some words how shld i propose her,,,,plse i am nt much known to these kind of work,,,i want a way how shld i tel her that I love her,,nd some words,,nd steps also,,,plse

  59. Hello ma’am i am a M.B.A student, i am a guy who doesn’t like to talk for useless matter i.e. nearly all of the informal talks that are meaningless.
    I have a crush on one of my classmates. The problem in my case is that she is also some what of my kind i.e. no useless talks(even with other girls of our class). even if some one cracks a joke or something to her,she just gives a little smile and then back to work.
    All i mean is that its really very had to get into conversation with her.
    Could u please tell me how to overcome this,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  60. I just called her to that i love her.. but cudnt open my mouth as i was under pressure.. then aftr few minutes i again called.. then she asked ” hey.. is there any problem?” . ” sort of” i said. And asked about a romantic dialogue in a film and she said ” yeah .. i know that” . then i said i just wanted to tell u sumthing like that.. and give me a reply.. guys,, still waitin for her reply.. ;)

  61. are budy aisa ni hota aj kl ki ldki badi chalu hoti h and insult krne me expert hm sochte jaroor h ki hm confidently use prapose kr denge jb uske smne jate h meter down ho jata h

  62. Dear loveindia,
    I am in class 9. i am in love with one of the girls in my class and she’s really pretty. I recently got a friend request from her on fb also and i accepted it. Although she’s been in my class since the last 4 years but i have started developing feelings for her in this session only.
    we are friends and i am not sure weather she likes me or not but she knows that i have a crush on her. although i am not shy at all but I’am also shy in proposing her. Please Help.

  63. I have crush on one of my classmates but i am not sure what to do? we know each other for only a month and i think she is in a long distance relationship. i can’t tell her as it will risk losing her as a friend but i can’t even stop thinking about her…
    can anyone help me……..

  64. hi i am lov
    i love a girl, who is my classmate.
    sometimes i think she also love me
    i want to propose her but when she comes front of me i losses all my courage.
    i’m tried to impress her with some romantic drawings and she imressed with me by that. now please give me suggestion that cani propose her .

  65. Hey, I am Aravind I loves a girl but I don’t know wheather she loves me or not. Sometimes I notice her, she see me when i enter the class.
    Can you please help me to know wheather she loves me or not

  66. i m tenth standard student i wanting to propose ond girl but when i go near to her she will bend her head down or she will try to go from their please suggest me why she is doing like that?

  67. A girl claims to be my friend since K.G days.but her memories of those days have slept out from my mind. My other friends have confirmed me that she is true to her words. When i was in std 10th, she used to observe me and my movements very carefully. Our mutual friend used to inform me of her activities. After completing school, my father retired from the service and we shifted to our village. Finally after around six years we met each other at a friend’s wedding. We had a great time. That was the first instance i talked to her when she said that she knows me but the memories have faded away. I introduced myself to her and the old gossips started. I thought she would react but she said nothing and managed to avoid the situation when our friends recollected the old memories. I tried to flirt with her but she understood everything and warned me to stop. Later on she began to watch my activities minutely. She used to turn away after a second whenever our eyes met. While i was talking to my other friends, she said, “you are so straight forward!!! mujhe to tumse sharmana chahiye”. I thought that since she is very cool who likes to share her thoughts with friends will not blush but i was wrong. This was not at all relevant to that discussion, since she simply appeared while we were talking. After the marriage was over, most of the people including the bride as well as groom started teasing her and opine that we are made for each other. should they act as mediator? I left that place as i am in job now. But still those people don’t leave me. In fact my brother insists me to make her my girlfriend. I had me ex in school with whom i was in love deseperately but one sided. I used to get lost in the past memories and she knows very well about it and she has observed it very minutely.We talk to each other on phone but every time i make the calls. once she said when i tried to flirt with her that she knew that i would pass that comment. Everybody who came in contact with us elder, younger or people of the same age tease her everyday.I said to ignore them and she nodded her head.You can well understand what i want to say? I guess that these things are known to her family too. She is from a strict family but since we are childhood friends they have not taken otherwise. I am not able to express myself but i hope that you will understand.
    So what you say about this please?

  68. Hey i love a girl her name is tamalika dhali she was my clasmate in my earlier school since ever i meet her i cant do my eork properly how can i say i really love jer can u suggest me.

  69. Hi i m smit im in 10th std and i love a girl who is in 9th std and she comes in my tuation too.i love her by hert and her name is neha but problem is we r not close to eachother and she knows much about me. What should i do 2 establish love with her.

  70. Hey,i’m arun,i tried all the trick but she said i am not intrested in love,but we are close fnds. could you help me

  71. I am in love with a girl in my tuition. She studies well. She already had 5 proposals and she rejected it. Will she accept my proposal

  72. I have read the article.
    many thanks
    I am a student of class 9 and i love a girl who is my classmate.
    But my problem is many for proposing
    1. We are of same age. I have heard that same age marriage has many problem.
    2. Caste problem. I am Hindu and she is Muslim.
    3. I am very shy type boy

    but I am sure that she doesn’t dislike me.
    Another problem is she never remains alone. :(
    I have prepared myself for proposing many times, but I am afraid if she gets irritated.
    I don’t want that she gets hesitate, i want to propose her in a very romantic way.
    she does not use any social networking site. :'(

  73. hi I m in 11th standard I have a girlfriend from last 3 years we both are in same class in same school she wants that I will propose her in very creative and very different manner without telling anyone on this coming propose day so what can I do please please give suggestion which very very deeply touching the heart…..

  74. Hey I am diploma second year leaving in hostel … The girl I Stays in my home town we used to talk before on phone and also whenever we used to meet… we used talk for a long period and according to me she was also in love with me… But afterwards some dispute happened between us and afterwards it got solved after some months … we started taking again …. But not as before … her num got changed her home got changed she shifted away but in same city … I want to again talk with her and never want to leave her but I don’t know how to do it so please help me…. I am egarly waiting for your reply… Will she talk to me again …?? And will she trust…?? Reply fast plzz

  75. Hey I am diploma second year leaving in hostel … The girl I Stays in my home town we used to talk before on phone and also whenever we used to meet… we used talk for a long period and according to me she was also in love with me… But afterwards some dispute happened between us and afterwards it got solved after some months … we started taking again …. But not as before … her num got changed her home got changed she shifted away but in same city … I want to again talk with her and never want to leave her but I don’t know how to do it so please help me…. I am egarly waiting for your reply… Will she talk to me again …?? And will she trust…?? Reply fast plzz..

  76. Hi, I am in 6th class and I love a girl named Johanna. She also knew about my liking but never gave reply. Today Me she and my some other friends were playing truth and dare when suddenly my chance came and I said truth, she gave me a question that what are my feelings about her. At that time I didn’t answer but she was very curios to know about it and said me that she will ask me about it tomorrow. Is this a sign that she is liking me?????

    1. i am 12th standard boy i have a crush on my friends ,friend and when i proposed her one day she had not replied anything ,and i also not asked the reply.the next day on wards she started seeing me .is she is loving me ?

      1. I finished my school just now
        I studied 10th std in another school
        Me & my crush were good friends
        But she doesn’t have mobile no at that time
        I am now in different place
        I am loving her now also
        I have lost her contact for the past two years
        I came to hear that she got mobile
        Her b’day is gonna come

        i decided to say my love to her

        Tell me how to propose
        Should i straightly to her that i love u
        Or should i move in a friendly way first & later propose her

        Pls plz please

        Ans my question at the earliest

  77. hi,
    iam vishal. iam studying in class 8 . i loved a girl for the last 6 monthes . she is the most beautiful girl and she is also smart. one day she told be your handsome i asked do you luv me . she said after school come to the park . when i went to the park she told i luv u and i asked can you kiss me and she kissed me and went away

  78. i have a crush on my classmate. i admire her, respect her, and care for her..i too think that she likes me…but i am a shy guy so i cant even think of what to talk to her..i just need to extend it to frindship stage..please can u suggest how can i start my conversations

  79. Hello,
    im first year engineering student and im in love with my classmate and i want to propose the way my exams r going on and i hav to propose her before the end of my exam(march15-june12).i haven’t talked with her and even her friend knows that i love her…..who is actually my friend also….please help me…..give me some tips

  80. Hello I am in 11 class I love a girl whose in different section I had a crush on her since 9th we never talked but we talk on fb what should I do

  81. Hey love in India… You r doing a gr88 job… M in big prblm…. Yesterday only my very close frnd propoesd me on fb…. Bt I lyk him only as a frnd…. I don’t want to loose him…. Bt I don’t want a relationship wid him…I had rejected Is it right now to stay frnds…??? M not undrstanging dat now whether I should talk to him or not…… So plz tell me admin what should I do…..plzzzzz

  82. Hey….. One another guy also proposed me yesterday… I was in relation wid him for 1 month…. I only lyk him but don’t love him.. Bt he thinks that I love him….. Now he is trying to begin relation again bt I don’t want it… Bcoz I don’t believe in relations n it would only spoil math lyf…. Mah studies n mah carrier….. Plzzzz tell me what 2 do…… PlzzzzPlzzzz
    If we r not in relation … Should I talk to him or not….??

  83. Hello,
    Myself Vatsal..,
    I love a girl who is my classmate.. we had many mutual friends but thenalso we didn’t talk much.. we talk on fb but she is shy and feels uncomfortable while talking to me.. she knows that i like her but she doesn’t seems interested in me and really love her a lot.. what should i do to make her love me..

  84. hey i m in class 12th.. and i have a crush on my classmate.. but the problem is that she is very shy and doesnt interact with many people and i m also very shy kind of person and i m not friend with any of her friend and neither my friends are her friend.. so i dnt know what to do.. I also dnt know whether she likes me or not or she have a BF or not… please suggest anything!!

  85. hey i am Sufi I love a girl she also loves me but what i say to her in first date…..? i am cNfuSed
    toMmorOw is my Date

  86. Hi there ! First of all amazing article and i loved the last method ! I think i ll use dat one !

    I need ur help too … i am in ninth standard , 5″11 and average weight and nice looks. So there is a girl giving me clues that she likes me but they kinda are mixed signals , i knew dat she liked someone other before , i am confused she likes me now or still likes him !!

    If she does , i am gonna ask her out but if she doesn’t i really want her to like me as i simply love her (i am serious about her)…

    Please help me how to know if she likes me ? Also she doesn’t tell her friends her secrets , she tells her parents and I can’t ask them….

  87. hey ppl! am a final year engineering student. am having a crush on a girl who’s my batchmate. the first time i noticed her was in my 2nd sem. i believe i was staring at her, at my first sight. she noticed me. there after each and every time i see her, i tried to catch her attention. and many a times, succeed in it. she starting lookin at me. i have seen her frnds makin fun of her, wen near me. i Don know, wthr she’s interested in me, but am prety sure tat i can’t wait to tell her my feelings. not sure how she gona react to tat. like, am a quite guy. Don talk to girls other than my classmates. guys pls suggest me my next move. i have Neva even smiled at her, neither did she. sometimes she reacts as if she has Neva seen me anyWer. an sometimes have seen her staring at me. ur suggestions are most welcome

  88. Hey plz help me I m in std 9 i like a girl she is my friend we also talk 2 each othr infact we sit besides each other we also do some masti wid each other but i dont knew she loves me or not and i m afraid of propsing if she would tell her teacher or parents plzz plzz get me a solution

  89. Hi , im Tarush. Im in the ninth standardand love a girl in my class. I try talking to her but another boy in our class also likes her so he doesnt let me do so. The girl isnt on any social networking site also. Can I get a solution to solve this problem

  90. hello, im badal, i love a girl “Ritika”,
    and i am in her class from 7 till now (9th),
    i have never talked to any girl(including her),
    but now i am in love with her,
    so,i wanna propose her(and i don’t get good marks and i am little like nerd and shy of everyone),
    so pl. help me,
    i have no close relationship with her,
    but pl. tell me a trick to propose her quickly, bcz i am geting scared of a boy who acting too friendly with him (he is new admition) but still she doesnt talks to him and any one else, pl. pl. pl. pl. pl. help i am begging you for her.thnx inadvance for tip or trick.

  91. I am studiying 10 th class and I love a guy who is my class mate and wanna propose him but he alreadý likes some other girl and is not intrested in me ( not sure ) nòw what should I do to know he likes me and how to propose him

  92. Hiii!Myself Shahrukh Now I ‘ve Passed S.S.C but in My Last year Batch I had a girl Called Asma and I use to like her but she wasn’t my friend she was attracted to me As I was One of the smart looking guy in class She use to loook at me But at that Time I wasn’t mature enough to read all these signs so I Stopped caring about her And then 1 day one of our classmate started teasing her by my name because some one came to know that she likes me and he spreaded this to everyone so she just stopped looking at me and then she started acting like as iF I was her enemy now we have passed our school and now we hardly see each other and I wanna get her now.Bro Truly I love Her Give me some suggestions!!!!

  93. Hello mam…
    I m an engineering student and I have a big crush on one of my senior girl….I have never talked to her…I just see her in the canteen …I also sent her friend request on fb , but she didn’t accept that…what should I do to confess my love?

  94. hey my name is mradul 11th class i love one girl she my class mate i wanna prapose him but he dont love me

  95. Hey I love a girl who is my classmate. In the class she see me after sometime and smiles. What does this mean I want to know and I want to propose her . So give me some tips please <3

  96. Hi
    I’m in class 10
    I love a girl
    she don’t know I loves her.
    I want to tell her.
    but if I tell her, she may just faint.
    But i want to tell.
    she is so lovely.
    help me out please.

  97. She had a BF (braekup)… She’z good friend of mine… tried approaching her indirectly many time… I think as she have burned her hands in past shez thinking too much… (may be therez a religious issues aswell)… i donno :( … Still love her a lot in inner heart… what to do?… if u could help…. plz….

    1. hi jazzy….first ask your friend(also friend with her) tell her that someone in the school love her.then,look how she react.let her to think who is the guy for two days.last,tell her you are the one.(tell her only if she didn’t angry)

  98. Hiii, m rahul studying in 12th science. I luv a girl she is my classmate i did not talk wid her bcoz i fell ahy to talk wid girl. But when i see vishaka and ahe tell to his frnd that i m flrting him !! Wht should i do ???? :(

  99. hi mam i am krishna kumar from Tamil Nadu ,now i pursuing chartered accountancy course when i joining a class for this course in an institute i met a girl and fall in love with her. I am a physically challenged person which on my legs that i wants to win my disability and started learning yoga through a book and many skills still now. no one can change me like this she’s my angel who change my thoughts and life. when i join a supplement course for this ca course called ,i met a friend(a boy) and intent to tell my love story and ask to help me. Through sms he says that “i tell your love on behalf of you” I said “ok”. After few hours he Message me that “she was already committed in love. She fall in love with other person when she did her schooling. So please forgot her and don’t fell”. I hope his words and I said ok and I ask for the name of her lover he say “I don’t know and when I ask her she also not willing to tell me”. But when I saw her first time my mind says me she’s your better half” and I fall in love with her. One day by way of chatting on mobile I ask “did u love any person?” she reply that “I am not interested in love, love is a waste of time and I am not loving anyone”. At last I got a message that he is a womanizer and he caught in a women’s problem. On august 10th she message me that “happy raksha bandhan brother”. Madam she is of pretty and gorgeous and she always come along with her friends.I am not willing to go back in my love path. I just want to make her fall in love with me. Mam I leave that institute during may and make self-study. And one thing mam on February 28th of last year by way of talking with my classmates I found that she told to my friends that ”I never talking with him” which is a false statement told by her. What does it mean. I am in confusion. I am not able to saw her here after. I told you all what I know. I want’s to make her fall in love with me. Please help me. I afraid that “when I propose she may reject my proposal”.Please help me to make my love success. i hope you and waiting for reply,thank you.

  100. hi mam i am krishna kumar from Tamil Nadu ,now i pursuing chartered accountancy course when i joining a class for this course in an institute i met a girl and fall in love with her. I am a physically challenged person which on my legs that i wants to win my disability and started learning yoga through a book and many skills still now. no one can change me like this she’s my angel who change my thoughts and life. when i join a supplement course for this ca course called ,i met a friend(a boy) and intent to tell my love story and ask to help me. Through sms he says that “i tell your love on behalf of you” I said “ok”. After few hours he Message me that “she was already committed in love. She fall in love with other person when she did her schooling. So please forgot her and don’t fell”. I hope his words and I said ok and I ask for the name of her lover he say “I don’t know and when I ask her she also not willing to tell me”. But when I saw her first time my mind says me she’s your better half” and I fall in love with her. One day by way of chatting on mobile I ask “did u love any person?” she reply that “I am not interested in love, love is a waste of time and I am not loving anyone”. At last I got a message that he is a womanizer and he caught in a women’s problem. On august 10th she message me that “happy raksha bandhan brother”. Madam she is of pretty and gorgeous and she always come along with her friends.I am not willing to go back in my love path. I just want to make her fall in love with me. Mam I leave that institute during may and make self-study. And one thing mam on February 28th of last year by way of talking with my classmates I found that she told to my friends that ”I never talking with him” which is a false statement told by her. What does it mean. I am in confusion. I told you all what I know. I want’s to make her fall in love with me. Please help me. I afraid that “when I propose she may reject my proposal”.Please help me to make my love success.

  101. hi! pls tell me something about this matter…….
    firstly i dnt know her n she is working at recepnist n i was met the first time so she pass the smile at me and touch my hand …so what is mean. and she seen me so shy…….how can i do i also like her but how can i tell her.

  102. Hey even I want some advice
    I am in love with a girl and I once proposed her when I was in 7th std
    Noe I am in 9th std and once again she has come in my section.
    When I proposed her she just said get lost and I was very sad but now what should I do .
    I really like that girl.
    Many times when I look at her I see that even she looks at me and our eyes meet. I really need some tips pkz help me.

  103. Hey, i love the girl in my class but iam not talking with her because i am feeling afraid before her and what should i do to propose her….pls tell me

  104. Hey, i love the girl in my class but iam not talking with her because i am feeling afraid before her and what should i do to propose her….pls tell me love u shriya

  105. Hey, i love the girl in my class but iam not talking with her because i am feeling afraid before her and what should i do to propose her….pls tell me….(love u shriya)

  106. Hey i love some one in my college
    it seems a littlebit that she also loves me (but im not confident)
    I also showed some attitude that i love her.
    But now i need to propose her.
    which is the best way????(she is little shy type )

  107. I became friend with a girl in class 3 . After 6 years of friendship limited till hi we got the chance to be in same section .
    I soon began to like friends told me that she also liked me one day while returning from one of our classes I proposed her …
    She accepted my proposal and she is now my gf .
    If you want to make an interesting proposal like me you may use a friendship band just like one uses red roses

  108. I am in love with a girl but she loves already with other boy..I think she never loves me…My all friends joke of me..

  109. Hi!! I luv a girl nd she is my classmate…. nw I wnt to knw whether she luvs me r nt coz sumtimes she use to give me sum signals like she always says tht I make her mood…I always help her whn she is nt feeling gud… sumtimes I knw understand her behaviour…..she tells me tht she is nt in gud mood bt whn I ask her the reason she nvr use to tell me… I always use to flirt wid her like she’s my gf nd all tht…. she sumtimes gives a affirmative ans bt nt always….. nw I wnt your help…. I wnt to knw whether she luvs me r nt????? Wht r steps I shuld follw…. reply me fast

  110. i am of 10th std i am in love with my classmate but when i proposed her in front of everyone she had started hating me. can u give me advise what should i do?

  111. Hi LoveIndia.. I’m Humaid nd I’m in standard 9th nd I love a girl in my class nd she does too BT who should I purpose her??? what should be my first proposal gift??? plz tell me..

  112. Hi,
    I am Ebin,
    I am a student
    I really love a girl . She has know that .But she want prepous . How I prepous her . She is also my class mate and she lives at nearly in my house HOW CAN I PREPOUS HER ………………………..

  113. myself vishwajeet patil .i love a girl in my class . I am in 12th now. When i go to talk to her i can’t speak any word bcoz of fear that she would reject me. Show me any way to talk to her.

  114. myself vishwajeet patil .i love a girl in my class . I am in 12th now. When i go to talk to her i can’t speak any word bcoz of fear that she would reject me. Show me any way to talk to her.
    Also there is an religion between us.

  115. myself vishwajeet patil .i love a girl in my class . I am in 12th now. When i go to talk to her i can’t speak any word bcoz of fear that she would reject me. Show me any way to talk to her.
    Also there is an religion issue between us.

  116. heya im kaju actually i fall in love with my besti named sanjana but something is missing in her for me so please tell me how i convenience her to be mah life partner .. please help me i really want her to be my life my wife.. :(

  117. i sharon .iam studying engineering . iam loving a class day she suddently calls me and spoke to me from that moment we are frnds .we speaks daily.and i want to propose her.but when i asked her frnd she told me that she will not love any pls suggest me a way.

  118. I also love a girl but she also know that but she is angry with me because she thing me as best friend I also know that but she likes me very much but when I will saw her that time she will see me and laugh I also try to say my love but I can’t because i am getting afraid for her like she shout means wht to do I don’t know.

  119. tarush bro there are a lot of problems and solutions too.
    1. first as she is your classmate keep talking to her because girls hate shy boys. you can start from praising and lending or borrowing books or notes to her.
    2.And if your heart really beats for her anyone who comes between you just warn him and then beat.
    Do you know I am from shahabad markanda a little town in haryana. I am in 10th standard and my love story is 90% same of that yours. I am in love with her since 7th standard.

  120. Hey its milan here !! I am in 10th standard. I love a girl who is in 11 class. But i don’t know that she loves me or not. So please help me to propose her…..I love her Sooo Muchh…..

  121. i love a girl she z of 9th class and of my skul she z my bst frnd in fb
    and i am of 10class i love her so much how will i propose her in fb?

  122. hi i am devansh i am in 9th standard i love a girl and she have break ups in my class only and i think that if i propose her what others think about her Please Help me

  123. Hii mam
    I’m sibu studying in 11th. Actually i love girl and she is also my best friend from last 3 years but i’m affraid to say her that i luv her.we were classmates and also shared the same desk n bench till 10th .now we r studying in different colleges but we r still in contact but i dont know that she loves me or not.she always understands my feelings n when i am distract she helps me by making my mood cool.she always share her feeling with me and also she told me her many secrets that our other friends dont know .i need some kinda help from u mam.

  124. she is looking at me in class but when ever i looks at her she distract her eyes n starts tlkng 2 her frnd so i cnt understand that she love me or not so plz help me yr

  125. Hey . I m manas I m in 12 class . I never had a gf in my school year so … I have crush on girl but she has bad impression on my friends and other peeps . But I don’t believe them neither she. So can you plz help me out in this case I don’t know wt to do and how to do it

  126. Hi I am Prem. I love a girl in my class but the problem is we don’t have much contact within us. Can u please tell me any idea to propose to her?

  127. Im in 9th and i lovethis girl, we have formal talks here and there, and she has basically been hinted becuse of boys who make fun of me using her name,
    i loveher like crazy but i dont know wat happens when i approach her, plshelp me out

  128. hey thr is a grl i want to propose but a classmate proposed her n she refuses i m sure she doesn’t love me pls hlp me if i wait thn after 4 mnths board exam will be cleared n then there is no scope of anything forward stepping

    1. bro here is the same condition as yours..
      after 3months board exam and the girl is already proposed she refused him there is no much time left after exam i will go to some other place if u get any suggestion please help me..

  129. Hey! Its aashish, there ‘s a girl in my college and i like her. I am not confident but i think she also likes me. What to do in this situation.
    Plz help

  130. I love a girl in my Fiitjee institute too much but not able to express as I m in fear that she might reject me n I spoil my studies

  131. mam pls tell me am in love.but she cnt accept my proposal coz she’s moving am also his close frnd so how can propose her.

  132. Hey m in 11th. There’s a girl i love but shez in a diffrnt batch so i get to see her only in 15 min. Break aftr every 1.5 hrs three tym. The thng is shez so beautiful that i cant help but look at her and fall for her more. But m kind of shy nd hvnt talked to any girl at my institute. And m nt sure she likes me or nt coz most of d tyms she dosnt evn luk at me. But when our eyes intrlock we both turn away our gaze. M sure she nd her frnds knw i lyk her bt i guess none of them evr tease her bout tat. Some unreliable frnds of mine tell me that she has a bf but m nt sure… Shuld i propose her? Also tis is my frst tym in these thngs so m nrvs. Plz help.

  133. hey these is Raj here i fall in love with my co-worker.
    her name is chitra and i want to propose her ..please help me to propose !!pls….pls !! give me quick reply.!

  134. I am very glad to inform you that I succeed in my admission to the class in which my love is reading.
    really this admission 80 percent for her and 20)percent for my next study
    but now she realize me to do study too as love .
    amazing experience.

  135. hey guys i am too 9 th std
    i too love a girl she is very cute,
    i think that she also loves me by her behavior,
    she always looks and smiles at me and waves her hand
    guys plz give comments to make my love a success.

    i am feared to try these methods and also she is not my classmate ,she is in my house ,ground floor and i am first floor.

    but she is also 14 age.her birthday is nearing plz comment before her birthday comes her birthday come on 27 JAN

    waiting for u r reply guys u dear friend bharath :D

    i posted the same message on my birth day :29 Nov 2014

  136. hii miss,
    i have a CRUSH on a girl who is my classmate .her name is nikita .i really love her.
    but i dont know that she loves me or not . i saw sometimes in class that she is staring at me .i want to propose her .can you help how can i.
    please reply quickly as i have waited for her for about 2 years

  137. HI
    Sharing my experience of love at first sight way back in 1985-86.
    Two reasons which prompted me to put this comments:
    1. It can be a good learning for youngsters to not to repeat mistakes I did and miss your soul mate.
    2. After almost 27 years, I somehow found her on social media site. I don’t really have words to explain the feelings I experienced. All the memories came back instantly & I had almost 1 week of sleepless nights.
    Sharing my experience may help me to settle down. I strongly pray to lord Ganesh & wish her all the very best for future and hope she had a wonderful life. For me I seek blessing from the great Lord to somehow just pass my message to her and reminds her about me. I am sure she will remember me if she reads this message.
    Down the memory lane…..
    After completing Class X, I opted Science stream and joined Jr college in a Mumbai suburb- Dombivli. On the second day, while going to college, saw few girls walking in front me. I was new to the suburb and had no friends as such. Out of the 4 girls, she caught my attention. She was wearing a frock with small blue & white checks, was fair skinned, and had curly hairs with step cut up to shoulders. I don’t know but I had a feeling that I have met her before. I am sure the feeling was not at all physical attraction. That time we had at least 60-80 students in one classroom. I was not a local boy and didn’t had many friends. Most of the other guys were school mates. After few initial chaotic days, during a lecture, my classmate who was sitting in the back row pinched me. I angrily turned back to him and he pointed out to girls row. I looked toward where he was pointing …. that’s the moment I locked my eyes with hers. She was already looking towards me. It was a great feeling, everything around me just blurred, I stopped hearing, blinking, and my heart was just pumping hard and fast, like some energy flowing through by back bone. I don’t know how long we had our eyes locked but surely it was for more than 3-4 minutes. Then I came to senses of what has happened and started looking elsewhere. After some time and during the day, my eyes kept following her and we had our eyes locked atleast 4-5 times that day. At the end of the day before going to sleep I realised that it was the same girl which I saw on the first day. So the things continued for another six odd months. By that time I had many friends. And to my surprise many of them were from the same school/ class she was till 10th and knew her. So to see her more frequently, I joined the same coaching classes in the evening after college. I use to follow her on road and our eye locking continued during the lectures. Many of my friends never believed & thought that I was lying about all this and its just my version of story. So i challenged them and said to sit around me during lectures and see if we are locking eyes or not. To their surprise during that day we had been gazing each other very frequently and for at least 3-5 minutes each time. I was shy and had some complex as came from a moderate family background, although was one of the handsome young boy with good athletic physique. I was really happy to see her everyday and wished that things continued that way. I had no idea on how to go ahead as my knowledge about girls was very poor as I came from a military school. So my friends decided to settle things me as many of them were her school/class mate in X th std. It was almost past mid-way our 12 th std somewhere in oct/nov 1986.After we finished our eve class, one of my over enthusiastic mate stopped her on the road and asked whether she was interested in me. I think it might have shocked her, so she replied – what do you mean. This fellow further commented to her that she is grown up enough to know what it meant.
    And you can guess what happened after.. she walked away..
    I didn’t knew anything about it and she never looked towards me next 2-3 days. I followed her everywhere and tried to gain her attention but failed. On the 3rd day I came to know what my mate has done. I was very depressed and sad. All the shine from my face was gone as if I have lost everything. Next day i didn’t go to college and very reluctantly stalled to the evening coaching class. As I was entering the class I saw her standing with her friends but didn’t had the courage to look at her. As I entered the room, my other mate prompted that she has been pushing her friends and trying to look at me and he could notice her disappointment as I did not notice her. I though he is just trying to pump me. The next day at the college I was cheered up to lock eyes with her again.
    Things continued and we finished 12th std. I secured admission to Engg college 500km away from home. Those days we had no internet, emails, mobiles. Whenever I came home for holidays, I walked on streets where she lived near Ganesh temple. Sometimes I was lucky to get her glimpses. My friends told me that was completing BSc in Mumbai and had plans to study Maths and science or computers and go to US.
    Any way, I finished my studies with good grades and toped uni. Started my career with an MNC. Completed MBA from premium institute. Got married and happily settled with my wife and boys. Reached top mgmt level in my career.

    But during all this years whenever , I had been to dombivli, I never failed to walk the street she used to live, still expecting to get her glimpses. I had no idea what happened to her, but walking the streets I could roll back in to the sweet memories. All this years I always wished well for her and prayed to Lord Ganesh to bless her.
    My feeling whenever we looked in to each other eyes was very intense. It was a feeling of achieving completeness, I could feel her breath, her smell, although we never got close enough. In fact we never had a conversation as I was a shy person. But I am sure that we had the attachment. I am very sure it was not physical attraction. I am very sure she had similar feeling for me.

    Return from flashback..,
    Last weekend, I was searching for some business contacts on a social media site, and suddenly a name came across. I opened the profile and was really stunned to see her photo after so many years. I just could not take my eyes off her photo. I experienced the same intense feeling after 27 years. don,t know why but she has used her first name and maiden surname as well surname after marriage on her profile. That’s how I noticed it.
    I was so happy for her and to know that she has done well in life. She seems to have achieved her goal of completing computer studies and selling in US. May Lord Ganesh bless her with all the joys and complete happiness.
    This is only I thing I regret for in my life so far- may be we could have been life partners if things were handled properly.
    Time never comes back so guys do not procrastinate. If you have similar feelings, i think someone has to take initiative to break the ice (either the boy or girl). If not sure what to do. get help from someone who is matured. But please do not do what I did.

    Thanks to Lord Ganesh
    Thanks and CHeers.

    1. PN sir, your story literally brought a tear to my eyes. I CANNOT thank you enough for sharing your story with us today.
      Time flies. The right moment, the right person … once gone, they don’t come back. Your story should act as an inspiration to all the young people here who’re newbie greenhorns at … life. To those who’re still worrying whether to choose the love of their life, or their backward-looking extended family who’re most likely trying to stop them from uniting with their partner using excuses such as caste, religion, gotra etc.
      I myself sometimes feel I’m drying out. I’m beginning to grow old … and what not. You reassured me that your heart is as young as you keep it. Your ability to feel emotions is as sensitive as you keep it. You sir, are my hero.
      I really wish you and your long forgotten interest all the happiness and peace in life.

  138. Hey! I study in class 7 I gave a love letter to a girl in which I wrote a self – composed song, drew her sketch and a prank in which 1 28√e 980 is written with a pencil and below it is written I Love You using a pen so when she would erase it she will see the three magical words. And also I wrote in the letter to reply me on FB , but she didn’t reply. What to do…?

  139. when i was in high skul life …. i luff a girl vri much bt she din even know how much i luff her… i m still thnking off her

  140. hey loveinindia …….. ….I love a girl who is in my coachine class of maths …..and we read in class 11 and I don’t know anything about her (including her name also) . she sits juts diagonally one bench forward to me……and sometimes she smiles looking back to me…..and I have no idea about her and I have no any chance to talk with her about my fellings bcoz after the class her father received her from the gate ……even I don’t know her house also……her father leave her to the class with bike………please help me how to talk with her ????????????

  141. I m in love with a girl one class Jr. Then me her name is meehk.we talk to each other very rarely. Could uh suggest me how should I propose her she is my first love sow pleas can.

  142. Hello ma’am , my name is Hrishikesh and I have a predicament at school. I am in my tenth standard and I like a girl in my class. She is extremely cute and nerdy and is the topper in the class. I always come second and I wanted to ask her as she is going to a different college. she lives 2 crosses away from my home. Please give me tips on asking her.
    Yours thankfully,

  143. I love a classmate of mine (girl). I do not talk much to others not even her . I was in 7th standard when 1 of my so called frnds asked another girl 2 go nd Propose her for me Without my Knowledge .!!
    So during break time she (other girl) went to her casually as they meet and she said that “I love her”.. and she bursted into tears …
    I do not know still which Kind of tears were they . I sat right behind her as I was punished to sit behind her by our class teacher .
    But that ill Day another teacher found me chatting wid my frnds right after break . I was told about the Incident in the break time .
    I was SHOCKED my heart was beating like of a race horse my legs were shaking .. My teached as a punishment told me to go and sit on the Last bench . All of my Classmates started teasing me By HER name .. I felt ashamed of Myself . I was BROKEN . Then suddenly my so called friend (Manik) got an idea to make it WORSE on me . He was jealous of me that i fell in Love with her . He wanted to destroy all of my chances , he wanted to destroy me .. he went up to her and Said to her that I am saying “yes or no?” . She answered to him ” A BIG No in capital letters .” . To my ill fate those were last days of our class as our final exams were to start .
    She never gave an expression , did not look at me as if I was never there .. She hated me . After our exams I do not know how , Our school management decided to switch sections of students . I was unlucky again . Her section was changed to A and mine to E . Half of my 8th class was literally over and she just Completely IGNORED me , I stood by like a Dustbin and she went past me everytime without even looking at my face . With every passing day I was getting Angry with frnd Manik and with the situation he put me in . He would go to her and talk with her just 2 light fire in my heart or sprinkle salt on my wound .. still he was my friend and I did nothing . One day the dams of my Anger broke I went to her in break time and told the tale to her in Angry mode .. i was frustrated . She had a poker face i could not see/tell what she was thinking . Still i told her Everything that I knew .. I was not her only lover there were a few more but they all stood away from her becoz of me . They all feared me I dont know why . I think its becoz of my height( 6ft 1inch ) .
    Everybody tried their luck .. metaphorically speaking . She didnt speak a word and walked away . She nd 1 of her frnd heard all my story though patiently . Maybe she was i dont know exactly . After 4 to 6 (sword meets shield )in breaktime she Understood my story . I didnt tell her that I love her though and She never asked . Everybody eventually calmed off on me . But sometimes roumers would be raised about me and her even though we did not ever met or talked to each other . Our conversation was rare . 9th standard finished . In our 10th standard , we have the same section again . I had given my best and made her a good friend of mine . Even though whenever me and her are present in any frnds gathering Manik would say something and I feel like Killing or Murdering him . With time i have learned to control my Anger and say nothing when he does try to kick me in my Butt with his words .
    As i said in the begining that I talk very Less . I try to make a conversation with her everytime im near her but even that is rare .
    I got her number from 1 of my friends and started calling her and would say “whats last period tomorrow” , “whats the homework today” , “R u talking part in so so competition ?” Etc . She would reply like she is friends with me from nursery class or im her (girl) friend . I dont know . But in School , she would not talk to me like that .
    I try to make our conversations as long as possible on phone . But near her its like I cant speak anything like im Dumb after few seconds of speaking and she would continue what she was doing . I dont know what kind of relation ship I have with her . At home I cant stop thinking about her . Even in some of my dreams She would be present , but im not able to have any conversation with her even if i do (in my dream) after giving an awkward answer she would turn and go away and i would stand and suddenly i would wake up . Sorry for dream part but i had to tell u everything ! She would help me sometime in our class when im in trouble like giving me graph paper extra scale or glue fevicol etc . She is my friend know so to speak i dont know u tell me is she my friend ? I cant even make eye contact with her becoz i still feel ashamed of myself . I am very good in studies and she aspires to be the topper and she is . 2 boys are always sitting in front of her . They bother me very much . I cant tell . One is Manik himself and other is Roshan . They both try to help her and her friend in studies sometimes 1 of them flirt . I stare at them from next row 1 bench behind her . I feel stabbing in my heart every time they make her laugh . Its strange that at the same time i feel that she is HAPPY . I dont know What To Do . 2 of them may not be a problem or the are I dont Know . I want You to guide me further in my life . She is still a friend of mine . I try to be humorous when i talk with her . She laughs hard sometimes . But does that really count . They say “hasee toh phasee.”. Is it true ? I dont know what to do . PLEASE guide me in my life Ahead . I dont want to loose Her . I will die and not marry another woman but her.
    And also i want to see her be happy all her life May God Bless her With All the Joys of the World she wants . Im still in 10th standard and board exams are approaching..
    Brother/Sister , I hope u understand the gravity of the situation and will try to help Me in Every way possible .
    Yours Faithfully ,
    Anmol Deep Singh .

  144. hi…i am ajay
    im studying in 2nd yr …i like a girl since i started clg… nd she also know that i likes her… bt we hv never talked.. telll me wt should i do… plz reply fast either mail me..or msg me on my no 7404928691..plz rply fast…

  145. my name is manish and i am student in 10th class i loved a girl but i can’t confess her bcoz she thinks that we are just a good friend… anybody please help me….

  146. Hi mam i like a girl from last 2 months she talks to me and most of the time she smiles cutly when listen me. So is this the signal to propose her.

  147. give him a notebook or take a notebook from him and when give it to ur lover get a paper inside of her name that u love him when she watch she will definatly ask u and then u said that whatever has been written is true

  148. give him a notebook or take a notebook from him and when give it to ur lover get a paper inside of her name that u love him when she watch she will definatly ask u and then u said that whatever has been written is true and then said i love u and then its dependent upon him what she will say but give him a chance if she trys to talk to u or notice u many times it means she is confused and learn a thing that if u run behind a girl she is runaway from if u run away from the girl she will confused and run for u and take the advantage of this situatuon

  149. I m aashiqu,i study in standard 10,i love a girl since class 5,she also know about this,i dnt knw that she love me or nt,bt heqe the problem is that,some of our classmates also like her,so please help me in this case,and also say me that ,at what time i use to purpo7e her………………..

  150. I m aashiqu,i study in standard 10,i love a girl since class 5,she also know about this,i dnt knw that she love me or nt,bt here the problem is that,some of our classmates also like her,so please help me in this case,and also say me that ,at what time i use to purpo7e her………………..

  151. this girl once had a boyfriend but not now though. we’ve known each other for a year now. it was first her. just in a month she saw me(still we had not even spoke to each other) she kept looking at me in classroom, bus stop, ground and even in the bus. her voice breaks and she speaks in sort of hurry burry. tone to me. she never rejects any request from me. no matter how difficult the request is to complete. before saying her tat i like her,i want to know whether she is expecting me to express. pls help me fast

  152. I love a girl named ritu who is my classmate but i scared of proposing can i propose to her

  153. hello mam,my name is suraj.1 year back i was proposed my classmate.but she i loved to another girl and want to proposed her.
    but i feel guilty to proposed her.because she know that i had proposed that girl.
    i don’t know what to do.
    please help

  154. Hlo my name is sk and i am in class 10th.. I love a girl and cant tell her name.. And i asked her frnds and they said that she also loves me.. She kept staring at me in the class and so am i..and when i look at her she blinks her one eye and keeps smiling.. I proposed her in class 8th and she smiled and then she came to the class smiling i was so at last she said now i dont talk to her and keeps ignoring her..she got so irritated as i was nt talking to her.. She wanted to talk to me and for this she asked my best friend why i was nt talking to her.. So i wanted to know if she likes me now…

  155. I am not to ask about purposal but here to thanks the owner and this guy really cares for others salute to sich persons

  156. I am not to ask about purposal but here to thanks the owner and this guy really cares for others salute to such persons

  157. Hi.. I am loving a girl , who is really interested in sports. she is commonly talkative communicative with everyone.. the problem is that I’m so shy to propose her . and also I’m sitting in front of her bench in school. I can’t sleep because her picture fill in my mind. another problem is myskin tone is dark in colour and she is more fair me .., she is from another religion… please help me ….

  158. hi i am in std 10. I love a girl in our class and i think she also lovès me. We go home togethër aftér coaching but i am afriad to purpose her.

  159. hello
    my name is vaibhav i leave in mirzapur uttar pradesh i am in class 8th i have proposed a girl named unnati she is very hard working girl and i too i had gave her a chocolate on valentines day but and proposed her but she refused me so

    Tell me something by leaving a message on my phone no.7081618187

    but dont call me

    Please help me to get her
    I request you

  160. hello everyone i love my classmate and scare to tell her my heart feelings that `i love her’,and i have a doubt that whether she accept my proposal or not or she too end our friendship,plz tell me how do i impress her,this is my last session in my school and i love her from 2 years but being afraid to tell her,plz help me guys….

  161. mam…’s me Rahul…i m x standerd..i love one girl nd she is my classmate…i m a jnvian…..before 3 years i fall in love bt i didn’t tell her that i love her…..when i promoted i class ix, one of my frnd proposed her nd my frnd is one class senior than me….and after 9 month she started talking with him by letter….i feel very bed nd i m decided to propose her…because of my best frnd i didn’t dirctly tell her that i love u….in place of i love u, i said, i loved u nd my frnd is love u a lot…..she know that i love she didn’t sure that i realy loves her or not…..she stops talking wid me for one month and now she is talking with me…..Mam i have seen all the letters she transferd and in those letter not have hints that she loves him….what can i do , Mam ? Suggest me plz …i will waiting for ur reply….

  162. I love a girl from 8th. I’m in 9th now. We talk to each other rarely. And I also help her in her study problems. I love her very much. Please help me !!!!

  163. Hey!I m bibek ..I am in classX….I love a girl vry much that I even can’t live without seeing her photo one day…….plzz suggest me how to say I love her at school?????

  164. Hi,i’m varun presently in class 12th . I’m in love with a girl in class . She is vey good friend of mine . I’m scared that if i propose to her ,our friendship may be disturbed . At the same time ,i want to say her that she is my life . Please help me !!!!!

  165. Hii miss love in india nice to see u,i m in 9th and i love a girl very much,I had only met her in village when i go there n she has also come,we both had became good friend’s and i talk twice in week,we both live in different cities which r near to each other n i had also proposed her n the reply came same2u but another day she told me i dont wnt to talk to u anymore n dont try to contact me n the other day then i call her and also text her but no reply came n another day she said me sorry,i asked her she love me or not she said yes but what will happen if it became joke she replied,I told her i really love u but she told how do i beleive i told wht can i do,she told me come to my birthday i said yes i will told me also bring gifts i said yes and then i had not talk to her yet,i will talk to her tomorrow.Plzzz reply is she loves me…….?

  166. Hello sir my self Tukuna i have a lot of problem in connection with love .i am an one side lover so give me some instruction to make two side love. how i have to propose the girl? when i going to propose her at that time i fell fear bcoz she may be say to our/my teacher
    therefore i fell fear . Whatever it may be i have to propose her. i like her since two year ago also loves her.

  167. Hiiiii love in india
    Sir my self Tukuna the reasone of i m posting u my intention i love a girl who is my classmate bt i don’t her thinking about me .I think i m an 1 side lover so sir plz some suggest me in order express about my love before her also to make both side love .I love her since two year ago bt i did not proposed her one day i m looking for a moment to propose her.
    Therefore sir plz suggest.either in my email ID or in my fb ID – Tukuna.gouda.1999
    Otherwise MSG in my mobile number:7377328098

  168. my name is Dev and I love my classmate her name Anushka but I feel very scared to propose her …I thought she say me not …I don’t no what to do..& ho2 to propose? Plz help me…!

  169. i want to make a girl friend in india telangana hyderabad there is a girl in my class name anchal i want to prppore her but i am scare that she will tell to teachers i really love her thats why mam please give me easy and so many tips to love and propose her

  170. Hi, I am in 8th standard. I like a girl of my class named, Harshika .
    She’s in 8/A and I am in 8/D. She is new to this school. I took out sp**m thinking about her. I told everything to a friend of mine. And that Mother f**k told everything word to word to her.
    Day before yesterday, I gave her a chocolate and before I could tell anything she told me, “Thank you, brother!” Now, what should I do. Could you please help me.

  171. can any one help me i wanna propse a girl but she is in my college but she is in there class plz help me when i show her first time i was amazed

  172. Hiii,I am Deepak n studying in B.Tech 1st year. There is a girl in my class. I love her badly. but I thought that she does not like me. What can I do????? Please help me naaaa

  173. Hi.. M Subham . whn i ws in clss 3 thn my bst frnd left skul n went ovr smwhr else . n aftr 13 yrs she met me n nw we r lyk more thn bst frnds . n mn usse lyk krta hun bahat .. Wo v mujhe lyk krti hai. . indirectly kvi kvi mn usse hint deta hun.. Jb rakhi ki bt aayi toh be boli mujhe sis bana le mn maana kiya toh wo boli q mne kaha cz i lyk u so i cnt .. Bt still she alwys tlks to me .. Jb v wo onkn ati hai toh srf mujhse hi cht krti hai .. So wht shuld i do … ?? Agr use bol diya ki mn uss se pyr krta hun toh kya hoga yahi soch k kuch. Ni bol pa raha hun..

  174. Her nem z ruchika .. She z more thn my luv fr her .. I luv her n do cares fr her a lot .. One day she ws hvng fever .dn she msgd subh m hvng fevr .. Thn i gt tnsed she said dnt wrry i vl b fine cz der z u to care fr me.. Wht
    ds it means n wht to do ??

  175. Hey my gf is saying that propose me in unique way otherwise don’t talk to me….. plz tell ur favorite way……

  176. Another boy in my class likes the girl that I like and he is my friend.i don’t know what to do .Any suggestions

  177. I had proposed fo three times now all i got was a NO! But there is this time i just wrote a poem[am a poet by the way]entitled:I ONLY I COULD HAVE usual she asked for my book and guess what…just below the last line of my poem she wrote:NOW YOU HAVE ME!I LOVE You.

  178. Hey!
    I’m intrested in girls who seems as same as Jenniffer Lawrence.
    I’m the most intelligent boy in our school.
    I want to propose one girl she looks like Lawrence and she is my classmate too.
    Actully I thinking about her 2-4 hours/per days.(espacilly at night).
    She isn’t so good at studies and not so much beutiful/fationable.
    I don’t know her home and she don’t know me a little bit.
    I love her too much but she don’t know a little bit.
    I’m afraid that what all people/my family members will react when they can see that I purposed her because of India has not so developed(my airea never) that we can be gf-bf.
    I want her against my careear(because it is no so veluable then her).
    I want her….
    I want her….
    I want her….
    I want her….
    suggest me something rapidly!
    If she refuses then she ever merried with any guy then Why it will not me?
    lol? don’t laugh me after read above all text.
    I wanted to give her my whole life and take her a little bit.
    I searched all over on internet but not found any suggetion.
    suggest me: I should purpose her? Yes/No?
    I’m XIIth-PCM student!

  179. Hey,LoveinIndia can you please tell me…How do i propose a girl while i’m in standard 7 i’m scared that she might tell teacher that i proposed her.

  180. I love a girl in my class but I am afraid to propose with her and I am feeling very shy to speak with other girls in my class..
    some one say me a solution

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