Do you know that I discovered a very interesting fact today? That a total of close to 4 lac Indian men and boys are searching (just on Google) for ways of, what is known (in India) as “proposing a girl”.* Now that’s quite some number.

So are you in love? Are you planning to propose to the girl of your dreams? For your benefit, in this post I’ve decided to share the most creative 10 ways of “proposing a girl”, i.e. letting a girl know of your romantic feelings for her.
But remember, before you propose a girl, you need to work through your inhibition, and also choose the best possible time to propose her.
That said, on with the list…
The t-shirt proposal
Get a plain white round-neck t-shirt printed with “Sheetal (or whoever), I love you. J” It’s even better to get creative with the t-shirt message. Wear it inside a jacket or shirt and go to work/college or wherever it is that you regularly meet your love-interest. Try to catch her alone and reveal your gift to her with a smile.
The YouTube proposal
Propose to her on video and post it on YouTube. Then send her a very serious sounding mail with the link, and it make it look as though it contains some work related information. You can imagine her reaction when she opens it! Here it’s important to be creative with the message on the video.
The alarm proposal
Get your hands on her cell phone. Set a reminder for 2 a.m. (i.e. sometime in the middle of the night when she’s sure to be asleep) which says, “Wake up Sheetal! Rahul loves you!”
The super-dramatic alarm proposal
If you want to be the drama king, don’t stop there. Set the reminder as, “Look inside your bag!” Put a piece of paper inside her bag saying, “Open you diary/biology classnotes copy.” Write your romantic message inside this diary/copy. (As you understand you can make this chain of actions as long as you want. Just don’t bore her enough to earn a rejection!)
They key proposal
Send a key to her home/dormitory by courier. Don’t give any explanation. After a few days send her a note saying, “Did you receive a key?” Then again after a few days send the final note saying, “The key you received is the key to my heart. I give it to you.-Rahul.” I bet she’ll be in tears! (Assuming you didn’t make a mistake choosing the girl!)
The “boxed” proposal
Send a gift-wrapped box to her home. Put another box inside the first one, and another inside the second one. This is the classic box-inside-box-inside-box proposal. Include as many boxes as you like (but again, like point #4, you know when to stop!), and inside the final one put a key, with a note saying, “I give you the key to my heart.” (Alert: Don’t forget to sign your name at the end!!)
The “meal in a box” proposal
Take the man in the college/office canteen into confidence. The next time she orders something at the canteen she’ll receive a piece of paper on her plate saying “Today you have just Rahul’s (replace with your name!) love for a meal.”
The maze proposal
Get a friend to tell her that Prof. XYZ (if you’re a student)/her boss (if you’re working) is calling her. Make sure you do this during lunch hours, i.e. at a time when the professor/her boss is not in his/her office. Now stick an arrow on the wall just beside the closed door of the office of this person, so that she notices it when she comes to meet him/her. (Don’t stick it on the door under any circumstances!) We humans are curious at the core of our selves, so chances are she’ll follow the sign. Put another arrow on the wall and another one. You can put as many arrows as you like. But, again…remember…Well, you know. :D Lead her to some empty room or any place which is likely to be empty of people. Put a cardboard sign there saying, “You’ve reached Rahul’s heart.” You can get creative with the message here.
The picture-perfect proposal
Get hold of a photo of hers (from Facebook maybe). Combine it with a photo of yours using Photoshop (or get a friend to do it) to show the two of you together. Send it to her by snail-mail with something romatic written on it. Put the name of the sender as “GOD”. Obviously the meaning is that God wants you to be together.
The time-bomb proposal
Send her an email saying, “The 10th day from today will be the most important day of your life.” (Naturally from a fake email address) Keep sending her an email everyday from that day onwards, saying, “9 more days to go…”, “8 more days to go…” etc. until the last day. On the 10th day leave a note on her desk with your romantic message.
Now go ahead, pick the one most suitable to you and get to work changing your dreams into reality.
But wait! If you’re planning to propose a classmate of yours, I have some special tips, just for you.
And those of you who’re online lurkers – there are a lot more tips for you here.
For Facebook dating tips and hacks:
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook Part 1
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook Part 2
And finally, for some whacky funny romantic over-the-top ways of saying it on The Social Network:
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook: Top 10 Ways
Got better recipes for wacky romantic proposals? Do us all a favor by sharing them through the “Post a reply” option!
*Source: Google AdWords
Quite different proposal ways !
Are you going to use any of them? ;)
Thanks for commenting Sandeep. :)
yeah i m going to propose my girl shortly………..i am so nervous
Hey Praveen! Congratulations on taking the decision to go ahead and tell her about your feelings. Now don’t be nervous, just pick your method, plan it out and do it!
All the best! :-)
I want someone to call my own. But can’t find anyone. I feel lonely.
Heyy friend can u plsss help me i want to propose her on a phone call she is not in the same city where i live. Can u pls help me..???
y you are nervous.. do well best of luck
chak de fatte…………….. :)
Great post… :)
Thanks Mandeep.. :)
I’m very scared of proposing a girl…
Here’s what you need then: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
no, but i love her very much
Hmmm…from desire comes fear.
Congratulations on falling in love. It’s the happiest feeling of the world. ;)
Nervousness comes from fear of rejection. Conquer it. A complete guide to dealing with fear or rejection in love
ATB. :)
No Actually i need any other diff proposal iam not going to use this old proposal
Hi love India!can u please help me?i love my dream girl and i know she loves me too but i wanna give him a romantic proposal so that i can see a lovely smile in her face…please suggest some good one please
wow… All the 10 ways are very romantic and different. I bookmarked this page for future purpose :)
Ah…Let me know the results.
Thank you for commenting.
An extra thank you for bookmarking. :)
Lol…pretty interesting actually…
Good research. Hope many succeeded from these tips!
Try some. ;)
Thanks for commenting Sibi.
i just try to say i luv you loveinindia for lovely suggestions.
i just try to say i luv you L I INDIA for lovely suggestions.
propose ur lover on ur own way…………
Hmm…your ideas are not bad..worth a try i say ;)
Pta ni love hota kya hai but . i can’t live without her and she knows … and she can’t live without me that i know … everyone says it’s love…if it is….. is there still need of proposing her???????????
It is love but u can’t understand………..
Mere sath bhi aisa huva tha but maine batanemi der kar di…….
So plz tell her as soon as possible
Good thing is you can use this info directly. Thanks Sulagna. :)
Hmm…looks like this is gonna work.. thnk u :)
Why not a comment proposal ???
Authour (if it a girl and single) … I Love You !!!!! ???
Ha ha…good point Kishore ;) ..noted.
I need smthg different love proposing bec y I’m asking means I’m gng to start a future film shortly I have a love scene tat’s. y I’m asking
I try The alarm proposal…….and its work…………………..i love so much M.Z.J
Hmm…good post…hope to see more of this kind…
Interesting…but any special suggestions for proposing to a girl who’s a good friend of mine from years without knowing my true feelings for her….
Thanks a lot ……..i m finally in love!!!!
Quite creative ways actually…interesting…
Thanks Shiva… :)
i am going to try some.thanks
Great post… funny yet insightful…
i am a boy of 14 years.i love a girl.when should i propose?
First do your study then love…..ok
Well I was also in a girl when I read in 2nd class and It was too pain to see her with someone else… In 10th class I proposed her but it was too late,,, I hardly forget her and now i am in 11th class and In love with someone else and today going to propose her…now I am of 16years.. Ya fall in love.. its great…
Last one is gud.. I might try this one:P
nice lovely Loveinindia.. keep it up
Great post… sharing the link wid my gf too…hope she likes it…
realy gud ideas i like them…
I think m gona try all of them…:)
thx for suggestns
Thanks Rahul…as you can see they’re all written specifically for you. ;)
I proposed a girl…she is very silent nd she is not telling any answer… what do I do?
Dear, i required proposal like the way of Mathematical or Chemistry, if u have this kind of proposals kindly let me know, kindly do respond ASAP
Thanx for these special unique ways to propose a girl.. But all these will work if u r in a relationship or u study/work together.. Im in different situation. Where i like a girl i knw through matrimonial site. i spoke to her. but left a bad impression :( now shes not talking. i just have her number.. n tried speaking her bro.. he said shes not interested.. is der any way to mke her feel dat my 1st impression was wrong… im not dat bad.. but u r really special n im looking for 2nd chance.. Can i do smthing special ??
these are the gr8 ideas ,thanks
Hey Raghu! Thanks for commenting! :)
Quite different ways…
I will try some …n will share the result friends…
“Wish me good luck”
Wow! Surely I wish all the luck the world Tapil. ;)
Do share the results !!
Quite saying that these are really a different attitude to impress someone special. Thanks to you to save a lot of time to think about a unique proposal.
Hey Aditya! Great to know you found these useful. :)
i am go to propose my girlfriend tommorow so friend please pray for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Congrats on mustering up the courage Austin!
And I sure will. :)
Thanx for these special unique ways to propose a girl.. But all these will work if u r in a relationship or u study/work together.. Im in different situation. Where i like a girl i knw through matrimonial site. i spoke to her. but left a bad impression :( now shes not talking. i just have her number.. n tried speaking her bro.. he said shes not interested.. is der any way to mke her feel dat my 1st impression was wrong… im not dat bad.. but u r really special n im looking for 2nd chance.. Can i do smthing special ??
Hi, How to deal with sm1 whos independent n practical.. Will this work with these kinda girls too ?
Hey Rocky. Great question. Let me tell you, no matter how independent or practical a girl might be, she has a romantic side hidden away somewhere in the depths of her heart. Being loved is an amazing feeling, for anyone. If you try any of the above (super-romantic I know) methods with any girl, you’re bound to create a positive impression.
Please note that that’s not a guarantee for a yes, but you’ll definitely leave a warm feeling in her heart.
That said, if you know her a bit you’ll have to figure out which one is your pick. I suggest the more serious your girl is, the whackier your method should be. Opposites are sometimes the best fit. ;) Good luck!
hmmm… great… but wat if i have left a bad impression on her already.. and shes not talking.. n we r not even working or studying together.. bad situation… :(
good work done…..I like ways you mentioned above. I am feeling that they will really work in my life also.. Thankyou :)
I bet they will! Just try them out.. ;)
I have lot more tips to share .. ;)
Hey Kalam! Bang! Bring them on! Here at Love in Here we’re all waiting to hear from you. ;)
hi.. i love a girl from 3-4 months ago. we are in same college but diif. classes i had tlked sometimes with her. we both have common friends. plz help me how to propose her…..
I have a friend who knows that i like her but i haven’t said anything to her(thanks to a friend).
I don’t know wat to do and how will she react if i propose her? i’m a really shy person so please help !!
Hey Saheb! I used to quite shy when I was younger. I used to prefer online communications to face-to-face ones. In your case you can write a letter and get a friend to deliver it to her, or you can just send a message on Facebook, if you want you can get my help as well! Get in touch at It’s all free so don’t worry. ;)
I liked The Key Proposal. Hope I could do that someday. Only thing is that I fear she might call the police in the first place! :P
Lolzzzz .. Oh don’t worry Arka… everyone loves a bit of mystery, especially girls. ;) With any luck you’ll sweep her off her feat. :)
All the best!
Mera name jageshwar prasad hai or mai abhi class 10th me hoon mere class me ek ladki hai, jisko main pasand karata hoon; mai usse bahoot pyaar karata hoon, use propose karana chahta hoon, lekin mai use bol nahi paa raha hoon;
pleaze sir aap mujhe koi idea batao……plz….plz….plz…….jaldi se bata do………
( Main apke idea ka intzaar karunga) thanks…..
Jageshwar – Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness.
After you’ve worked through your shyness you need to come back here for ideas: How to propose a girl who’s your classmate: Top 5 ways
But I’d say don’t worry – you have a lot of time to develop your confidence in meeting and approaching girls.
All the best! :)
Gr8 methods to propose…..But my situation is a bit different
I really like a girl(but I didn’t tell it to her), we also talk sometimes & are in the same class. I took her phone no. & she readilly gave. I also called her a few times trying to give her a hint that I loved her but the last time I called she replied that it wasn’t her, it was her sister on the phone & never call on this number as now she has it. But I am damn sure that it was her who said this………..
Now what to do……….Plz let me know & reply
Hey Gaurav! I’m not clear on whether this girl you like has said that her sister had took your call, or one day you called and you thought your classmate spoke to you pretending to be her sister.
In any case, don’t ask her anything about this incident.
You’re saying you guys talk “sometimes”. From what you’ve mentioned it seems she likes you, or at least doesn’t have any particular reservations against you. Utilize her positive attitude to cultivate a healthy friendship with her. Talk to her more. Get to know her better. Get to know her as a friend.
It seems that she has a positive attitude towards you, but is a little scared or unsure. Once you get closer to her as a friend, she’ll gain confidence in you. Her fears will go away. Then would be a good time to try to take the relationship to the next level.
Let me know how it goes! :)
i need a girl friend…..:(
That’s cool! I’m gonna try one of these.
Thanks Saurabh :)
Lovely tips lovindia.
I have been trying to propose my sister-in-law . Recently i got an occasion which is her birthday. On her birthday i send one cake and two gifts with help of her friend. i called her at night 12.00 and i wished her, she got surprised with cake and she said thank u thank u so much, then i said open my bag there for small gifts.She surprised and opened .She found a MUG printed with her pic with bday wishes. she felt very happy, then i said open my bag again, one more gift was there Which is Fastrack watch. she felt very very happy.
watch was packed with the paper which was having full of love symbols…
Was she got my feelings or not i cant understanding.. iS IT WORKING ?
That was really a very sweete gesture Ram.
If she’s not responding directly, try getting a bit closer to her over harmless online flirting ;): How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
ATB :)
The alarm clock proposal is d best
HI i am in love with the girl but give me sme words so that she may love me !
she is a anglo indian so pls help me yaar !
The YOU TUBE PROPOSAL gathered my attention as my crush will not be present on the valentines day
Great. Try it. ;)
i am fall in love with my student but i think she has no feelling abt me i love him from last four years bt i m not dare to say my cardial feelling to him because i think my proposal spoil her carrier. but i think she also have some feelling abt me but she think i m engaged with some one else thats why she does give any clue.her name is dipti trivedi. some one help me to propose him.
Hey Neeraj,
Sorry for the late reply buddy.
Your situation is unique. I would’ve felt the same if I were you – on the one hand your insides are roiled will your feelings for her, on the other hand your responsibilities as her teacher aren’t letting you take any chances with her career.
You have not mentioned how old she is, which stage of her career etc. An aunt of mine married her private tutor from her college days right after she finished college. They’ve been happily married all their life and their daughter recently got married. :)
So the key is to wait till you’re both mature enough to take the relationship to the next level. She’s some day grow out of your purview of teaching. Then would be a good time to let her know of your true feelings.
Does that help? Do write back in case I can help.
This is awesome advice. I am going to propose again my girl friend on these unique & various ways.
Oh that’s so romantic Vivek.. thanks for commenting. :)
nice… thanx for information….
I am very nervous and scared to propose her..because if she dont like she would go away from me… and after 4 months with lot of daring..i started to talk to her….i dont know should i spent more time with her knowing everything about her or should i propose her soon… i am confused
Hey Asef!
You’ve started talking to her? Good. Now start flirting. Start dropping hints that you see her as more than just a friend.
In most cases, what works best with girls is neither pure friendship nor an outright proposal for relationship right at the outset, but flirting. Confident, fun and exciting flirting.
As you keep trying, you’ll be able to gauge her mood. If she likes you at all, she’ll play along. Whereas if she’s really not interested in you as a boyfriend her responses will be cold and impersonal when you try to flirt. If you get the first kind of response, go ahead and propose after (at least) two weeks (NEVER before that).
All the best. :)
Good ideas …. I need to propose my girl .. But she knows already about my love. Now she is not talking whith me . Nw how can I propose my girl .. Pls help me
She already knows you love her. Well that was not a very clever step Rohith. The first step to getting a girl to like you is to flirt, but not give yourself in completely.
Make her feel appreaciated, special – but don’t be her dog (note the second point). And that’s called flirting. ;)
She already knows you love her. So what do you for damage control? Stop talking to her. Utterly and completely. Ignore her. Never ping her or call her.
It’s hard. But it’s the only way to bring her back to you, if at all.
Girls follow this strange rule of feeling attracted to “he who’s unattainable”. So the more unavailable you are – after giving her a taste of the fact that you like her – the more likely she is to come back to you.
i wants to ask a girl to be my friend
dont know howw????
we just make eye contact and except this both dont know anything about each other
Pawan you have to find a way to TALK TO HER for God’s sake! You don’t even know her name. Find out that first. Just go up to her, smile and say “Hi”. Don’t worry, you’ll not sound as stupid as you think. ;)
How things will go will depend on how the girl reacts. Girls in India are taught to be wary of strangers on the street. So it’s likely that she’d ignore you initially. When a girl shows lack of interest, I NEVER recomment trying again and agian, but in your case it’s necessary to be persistence as this girl’s possible resistance would have nothing to do with you in particular.
So try a few times. Manage to get her name out of her. Try to add her on FB, that’s the place where ANY conversation starts these days. ;)
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook: Top 10 Ways
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook – Part 1
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook – Part 2
And here’s your fix for overcoming your inhibitions. ;)
Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
Let me know how things go. All the best! :)
I love a girl who is in my class……..
first i was confused that how to propose her and then after few months I proposed her but she rejected my proposal .but after few day later when i look at her in the class room she also look at me and pass me a cute smile then i thought that she also loves me then again I propose her but this time she replied me that Her parents will not allow . she told me her answer and walk away but after going few more distance away she look back at me ………
I’m confused that she loves me or not .plz help me …in this situation what should i do…. but i can’t live without her and i want to propose her again in next few weeks so give me some good suggestion that how to propose her that she can accept my proposal……..
plz plz plz reply me as soon as possible i”m wating you can……
i’m in luv with my childhood frnd…we are really the best frns..but i’m scared 2 propose her because if she don’t have such feelings towards me..she’ll hate me 4 ever..i’ll never get a chance to meet her,talk 2 her…
nd I don’t want that 2 happen.but it’s really heavier 2 hold my luv in my heart itself..
plzzz..luv india…
as u are a lady, u can understand it well…
plzzz give me a solution…
hello luvindia…
i’m sincerely waiting 4 ur reply….
I believe u truely…
plzz reply… solve my problem….
Relax Deva. Check this for ideas on dealing with falling in love with one’s friend:
Do drop a line for anything else that you want to know.
I’m sorry I missed out the link:
Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 1
Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 2
Proposing your classmate
I’m sorry I missed out the links in my reply:
Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 1
Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 2
Proposing your classmate
hey i want to propose a girl but she is muslim.i think she also love me.can i try?
ma usa aaj hi propose karna vala tha pa darr lagta ha k vo na na karda abhi frnds ha propose karna k bad vo b na raha to,plz luvinindia help me plzzzzz
replay me tomorrow plzzzzz loveinindia
Hey! I’m sorry I didn’t reply earlier. How’s it going now? Did you propose to her finally? Do let me know. :)
is it ryt to propose ah girl in facebook????????????
It could be. Do you know her only on Facebook? For how long? There can be good way of proposing on Facebook like send a sweet message, post an update which only she can see etc. ATB. :)
Of course. If you ask me – it’s not only right but also recommended that you start flirting online rather than offline.
This is applicable irrespective of whether you’ve met the girl offline or online.
loveinindia mara Q ka javab to do.
Shriyansh – While I understand you’re young, I’m sure what you want to create with this girl is more like an honest relationship of love rather than a fling. Hence a look at this before you go ahead: The 5 Main Challenges of an Inter-Religious Marriage and How to Overcome Them.
If you think you can handle the challenges – or, at least are mentally prepared to face the challenges – the fact that she’s a Muslim shouldn’t be a factor in determining how you propose her.
Let me know.
loveinindia ma ya sab challenges k liya tiyar or vo ham dono abhi 10th ma ha or hamari xam chal rahi ha to ma soch raha tha k ma usa xam khatam honga k bad propose karu. par darr lagta ha k na na karda varna frndship b toot jiay gi.
kya karu yarrr tell me luvinindia
luvinindia ek problem or aa gai ha usna tution chor di ha or mara pass bus uska mob no ha or mako uska ghar b nahi pata or hamari xam 30 march ko khatam hona vali ha to ma usa propose kas karu tell me?
currently i m finding a good girl . who will love me so much and i ll try to creat to first way because its good……….
Can anyone help me out i’m in big trouble
my girl wants to leave me she never want to hurt her father she’s hatting me nd changed her mobile no also so i never contact her so what should i do now plz any1 help me
If it’s a problem with her parents only, here you go: How to Convince your Parents for a Love Marriage. And if that doesn’t work, don’t be afraid to take a more direct approach: What to do When Your Parents Just WON’T Agree to Your Marriage.
If she’s herself not interested in you any more, it’s a different issue altogether. You need to talk to her and find out why. If she’s changed her mobile no., message her on Facebook, send her an email, send her a letter – anything! But make sure you have a discussion with her at the end of which you’re both clear on why she doesn’t want to be with you any more. This is called Closure. If a relationship has to end, Closure is essential for the wellbeing of both partners.
All the best.
sir I want to ask you something but can’t post it publicaly….actually I have something in my mind and I want your advice__!! Hope you will find this comment and help me…heres my no. pls text me if u wana help__!!or email me… – 9546222897
hey just want to know will a ring of plastic printed love will work ?
i have cleared 10 now she is my class mate what should i tell her please mail me @ she is short then me and were’s specs…………
please reply me ♥
Whatever you do, as long as you’re heart is there in it – trust me – she’d be able to see it. And in that regard the plastic ring idea is really innovative and heartfelt. Go ahead. :)
Height and other stuff won’t matter in the long run, buddy so don’t worry.
ATB. :)
yeah i m going to propose a girl shortly
i am so nervous plz help me
Pre-propose nervousness, eh? That’s quite common really among boys your age… Try this: Proposing a girl – Tips for overcoming shyness
All the best! :)
hey, hi , actually my problem is something different. i love a girl from my college but didn’t getting the way out mean how to say … so if u can help pls help me’s a request to u ..
Do you talk online? It’s a great way to connect for shy people like you (and me) and your crush.
Try flirting online. Check this for some tips on this: How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
In addition I want you to remember the following:
Women want men, not boys.
Be someone you can respect, feel proud of who you are and show it. In short,be confident and deserve it. That’s the basic tenet of getting any girl to like you. Here are some tips to help you out:
How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
How to Impress Your Girlfriend
How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl
Let me know how things go. :)
hey sulagna this is suraj and i want to tell you my story that i am suraj i will now go in 8th std and i love a girl but i dont think that she loves me. i love her from 5th standard i cant express my feelings she is too good looking than me plz plz tell me how to impress her . please tell me fast i am eager to know about your reply plz send it fast in my e mail or plz post it in ypur website . thank you
Replied on your email, Suraj. :)
Awww…. Everybody says i am so smart, i should be a model. Every girl thinks that i must have a Girl Friend, but how the hell should i tell them,just for this misunderstanding i am still single. i am 23 years old, n still no GF. Every month i saw a girl and fall in love with her, but only from my side, and then another boy pick her up always. i have lack of confidence and i can’t just propose anyone from front.
What should i do ??
i am smart, rich and have everything, girls generally want.
wat to do ? wat wat wat ???????
Thanks for dropping by Gaurav.
If there was just one word of advice I was allowed to share with you it would be this:
Women want men, not boys.
Be someone you can respect, feel proud of who you are and show it. In short,be confident and deserve it. That’s the basic tenet of getting a girl to like you. Here are some tips to help you out:
How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
How to Impress Your Girlfriend
How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl
Let me know what you think. :)
ha ii Love IN INDIA u r proposal are really aww….
but i made a mistake, with out any hopes i proposed her as a generally…
she replayed tat she was not interested….. but i cant live with out her…..
bt thereafter i didn’t meet him till now after proposed….. because shy to meet her
….. can u help how can i start conversation with her………… are else once again i have to keep proposals to her.. can u plzz suggest………
u r proposals are really awww……….
Thanks Santosh. :)
I love you
u r proposals are really awww……….
before i proposed her i have too seen dis ,…its really aww.. posts.. <3
but i made a mistake, i proposed her generally…she replayed that i was not interested…. but i cant live without her……. when i proposed her on that day on-wards i didnt talk to her because of shy i didn't talk to her…….
can u plzz help help mee… how. can i interact with her …….. are are else once again i have keep proposal to her..? can u plzzz suggest meeee….
mail mee plzzz
Here’s the first thing that you need – overcoming your lack of confidence. Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
Always remember the following:
Women want men, not boys.
Be proud of who you are and show it. Inner confidence is always the first thing that helps cinch the deal for a guy.
Here are some more tips to help you out:
How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
How to Impress Your Girlfriend
How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl
Let me know how things go. :)
hi, i love a girl very much. I proposed her on phone. She refused and after that i didnot use to call her. But after 1 month she called me again and we don’t talk about that. After some months i proposed her again through sms and i got the same reply. I want to know that she loves me or not.
Anki. You’ve tried conveying your feelings to her. Twice. There’s nothing more you can or should do. The first thing you need to do for yourself is to cut off all contacts with her. I’m sorry, but that’s the best way to handle this situation, both for you and her. The worst way to deal with a crush who doesn’t reciprocate your feelings is to be “just friends”. It gives you a feeling that they’re somehow somewhere available when they’re not. It makes you availabe to them forever, to use when they need support. You don’t need her to exploit your weakness for her like that.
Tell her firmly but politely that you’re not interested in maintaining contact with her any more simply because you don’t want do disturb her life with your weaknesses for her. Move on and open your eyes to other romantic possibilities around you.
a girl every morning cross from my home with her friend ,so i fall in love with her ,but dont know hot to start talking with her ,and how to propose her so plz help me here…
Rahul you have to find a way to TALK TO HER for God’s sake! You don’t even know her name. Find out that first. Just go up to her, smile and say “Hi”. Don’t worry, you’ll not sound as stupid as you think. ;)
How things will go will depend on how the girl reacts. Girls in India are taught to be wary of strangers on the street. So it’s likely that she’d ignore you initially. When a girl shows lack of interest, I NEVER recomment trying again and agian, but in your case it’s necessary to be persistence as this girl’s possible resistance would have nothing to do with you in particular.
So try a few times. Manage to get her name out of her. Try to add her on FB, that’s the place where ANY conversation starts these days. ;)
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook: Top 10 Ways
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook – Part 1
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook – Part 2
And here’s your fix for overcoming your inhibitions. ;)
Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
Let me know how things go. All the best! :)
hello luvindia…
I believe u truely…
i am loving a girl since 2years, i am chatting with her daily 2 to 3hours in facebook since 2years, and she knows that iam loving her but she still chats with me daily….and my problem is does she loves me..??and i want to propose her differently in my holdzz vacation…can u give me any good suggation….does she accepts me..??
i’m sincerely waiting 4 ur reply….
You’re dating on Facebook, right? Here are some cool tips to help you out, meant specifically for use on Facebook. See if you like them.
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook: Top 10 Ways
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook – Part 1
How to Propose a Girl on Facebook – Part 2
And here’s your fix for overcoming your inhibitions. ;)
Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
Let me know how things go. All the best! :)
i want to propose her directly with the help of her frndz … can u give me any nice sugessionzz…?? and does she accepts my love.??
Depends on whether you know her, whether she likes you etc. As for friends, you can take them into confidence. You can take any of the methods give here and apply it through a friend. OR you can simply write a good old love letter and send it through a friend.
All the best. :)
Quite interesting ideas you have discuss here. I am really impressed with your thoughts.
specially point no.8, the maze proposal is so beautiful way to express your love, This will definitely work and she will impresses. I have personally tried it earlier. but I would like to suggest some thing new. get a rose for her, girls likes roses a lot.
Thanks Riyaz. :)
We are very good friends and we stay together in group of 4-5 in the college. Few days ago I realised that I had started loving her. But once she said me that she don’t want to go to any kind of relationship with anyone. She had rejected two guys in front of me. I have no problem to propose. But I fear rejection. May I loose our friendship too. What shall I do? Please help.
Go with the flow Sujay. DON’T propose her directly. But drop hints. May be get a little flirtiatious (without being direct) in your conversations with her. If she doesn’t like it, she’ll let you know. If she seems to enjoy, you can say “I kinda like you as more than friends, I guess you know that by now.” … just that.. nothing more … If she rejects it’s OK. No need to disband your friend circle but reduce your interactions with her as much as you can. Remember, staying “just frineds” with romantic interests doesn’t work.
All the best. :)
That was I thinking to do. Actually it’s what to do being in a safe side. May it works. Thanks for the suggestion.
My pleasure Sujay.
is here anyone, who be my friend…
i am single…. :(
Aha… ;) …. There’s a LOT of info for u here Karan… ;)
Its all work out for whom they already very close relation. What abt someone who does have less interaction but wanted express the feeling
Here’s what you need then: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:
Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2
Always remember the following:
Women want men, not boys.
Be proud of who you are and show it. Inner confidence is always the first thing that helps cinch the deal for a guy.
Since she’s your classmate, here are some more helpful info specific to your case:
Proposing your classmate
Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 1
Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 2
Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:
How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
How to Impress Your Girlfriend
How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl
Let me know how things go. :)
loveinindia @ how do i let her know that i love her without saying 143 ( i love u )
Well you can try going through friends … You know, getting to know what she feels about you BEFORE you actually propose.
If you want to avoid the phrase I love you, you can try something creative like using it in many different languages.
Alternative you can use sentences like, “You know what you mean to me. ;)” OR “You know what I’m saying, don’t you? ;)” OR some very obvious hints like that. :)
miss……i loved a girl very much….i think she also like meh…but i have a fear 2 proposed her….i m a collage boy…………..
Here’s what you need then: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:
Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2
Always remember the following:
Women want men, not boys.
Be proud of who you are and show it. Inner confidence is always the first thing that helps cinch the deal for a guy.
Since she’s your classmate, here are some more helpful info specific to your case:
Proposing your classmate
Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 1
Help! I’m in love with my best friend – part 2
Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:
How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
How to Impress Your Girlfriend
How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl
Let me know how things go. :)
Don’t propose anybody. They’ll say no, just be alone, nobody can cheat or hurt you.
Well… That’s a cynical way of looking at things J. I’m sure you’d one day overcome your hurt and be able to feel attraction again. :)
Hi , I had proposed a girl & she had said no but suddenly she said yes & then she again said no when i asked her what to do plz reply admin
!!!! plz i need help!!!!
She seems confused. Hard as it may be, stay away from her for a while now. You can be friends if you like but don’t mention anything about love.
i am nivi, i am in love with a girl studying with me, according to our school rules girls and boys should not talk to each other, yet i have not talk with her, how can i express my love, what sentence will i use while proposing
According to school rules girls and boys can’t talk to each other? Such segregation at an early age is likely to create inhibition in both boys and girls about talking to the opposite sex. I’m surprised such practices are still followed in co-ed schools.
Anyway, coming to your question – Nivi you have to talk to her.
Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:
Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2
Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:
How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
How to Impress Your Girlfriend
How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl
Let me know how things go. :)
I’m going to operate one of the tips that you’ve posted. I think it would work. Thankz loveindia 4 ur creative help.. ;)
Oh you made my day Sree…:) All the best.
Hey..myself pritam..
I am in 12th standard..
I love a girl in my claasroom..I think she is in confusion..
I am going daily with a letter in my pocket but I am unable to give it to her..
And I dont want to tell anyone else about this..
I am in love first time in my life..
Now i dont know what to do..please help me…
Please give me the best way to propose her…
Pritam you have to talk to her.
Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:
Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2
Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:
How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
How to Impress Your Girlfriend
How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl
Let me know how things go. :)
TNKS A LOT . wat i want i got it now ,,,,,,
Gud ones but the case with me is differnt…a gal likes me or nt I dont know …. But she constantly look at me wid the corner of her eyes… Smiles when I look at her ….. Copies my gestures …. are all these signs that she’s interested in me….. Give me the true answer…
Adarsh you have to talk to her.
Check this for determining whether she likes you “in that sense” or not: Does she like me? The 7 crucial signs
Here’s what you need: Proposing a girl – tips for overcoming shyness
Mustering up the courage to approach a girl is the first step. Talk to her. Get to know her a little. Chat with her online if you can:
Facebook dating etiquette – Part 1
Facebook dating etiquette – Part 2
Finally, here are a lot more tips to help you out:
How to Impress a Girl into Liking You: 6 Tips
How to Impress Your Girlfriend
How to Flirt with a Girl – 5 Rules for Flirting with Indian Girls
Top 5 First Date Mistakes Men Make
Proposing a Girl-Tips for Overcoming Shyness
The Ideal Time to Propose to a Girl
Let me know how things go. :)
Thanks for the tips bro. I tried the alarm one and it worked.
You made my day Rahul…really :)… Well…is rahul ur real name? :P
I’m going to propose a girl soon… Anything new?
New…like what? If you’re looking for specific ways to propose we can work on that…email me.
meko na aaj propose karni hai ek ladki ko… so plzz kuch batao na
Jaldii batao na >_<
I Love loveinindia .
I have a crush on u ?
I’m going to propose a girl soon….
Good luck :)
I want to propose a girl in office looks like i’m pretty nervous to do that. I’d only prefer to send her a mail to propose her other wise can you suggest any other way .
Try Facebook. The web is a great place for people feeling shy.
ATB. :)
I just love a girl and i know that she likes me but once she had thought that i am makeing a fun of her name and since then she had nt talk to me.I really love her and thinking what can i do?Actually once i told her in a very odd way and asked if you like or not say clearly but she hadnt reply.So i am thinkiing what should i do??? Basically she is a very sensitive or very creative,and never want her realtionship should be in public.Pls help
Got Some news ideas
So going to propose now my chweat heart
I hav nt searched for any girls . but this is the time i need to search for a girl.
hey,iam prahlad i want to know some mathematical way of proposing a girl.something different from the today’s proposal.can u give me some idea about that?
Hii ur article is assum….I love a gal soo much and she toooo….but till now I didnt get a goood movement to propose her ,, and I would like to doo in different way such dat she will not forget in her life,…she is my relative, we cant meeet outside …hardly we get privacyyyy….plzz suggest me some ideas dude, dat wil b soo helpfull…I can say cent percent dat she wont reject……..,
its been a year,i folp’d all ma opportunities.. :\ to propose her..!! damn! but not any more.. , but how.. :) :\
thanx for the tip i would now probably propose a girl today thanx for your help onvce again
A…..hi, I tell I do love from a girl. Her age is 26, but I feel fear, because She are older me.
but I will try. because I m a smart boy. I proposed her. if She don’t accept then I can do something. so please reply me. that I do.
Hey there I have a sort of different case. I like a girl . We were in the same school till 4th std. I was talking to her for 5 6 hrs a day for a while. On fb she is still talking to me but once or twice in a week. But seems to talk in the same way. we live in different cities now. And we haven’t met since then. I don’t have any of my pic on fb. And obviously she hasn’t saw me. I like her I wasn’t to propose her. What should I do now?
This Sunday Iam gng to propose to my girl
Im the bad guy in my class
Im afraid that
She’ll mention it while proposing
She is not beautiful and not even studys well
But i love her due to her voice
Pls give me an idea
me ek ladki ko 3 saal s like karta hu par use bta na ska koi mujhe bta sakta h ki me use kya kahu
Ya its realy true, thanx for sharing your thoughts. Now I am filled with confidence…
actually there was a girl whom I loved for 10+ years.. When I was in 2nd standard.. as you said above .. I was too late. I proposed her in 10th as of now she had become a Play girll…
Hardly I completely forget her .. And thanks to the Girl who helped me in it.. The new girl lives next my door and today I am going to propose her and going to gain all my happiness back in just a single moment… Please pray for me…!!! I will surely reply what happen and Will post my complete story…
i want a different proposal to my girl this is my first love but i have to say with her quickly
this tips aru useful
these are really good ways but need something more…
Hi i m sagar i want to propose a girl to whom i know from few days ago just tel me
Some girls are make very smart in love but Don’t believe any girls. Girls are very fraud for love. This suggestion for only boys. yes, Girls don’t take this suggestion on heart.
the ways is good … but i wnt more intrsting way to prapose to my crush… plzz help me
I have to use all 10 of these … She is still a student … So most of the office ones wont work out… I have to add more … Wish me Luck..
Nice post bdw… (y)
Hi! First of all the ideas are super awesome!
Now there is this girl in indore,thats where i used to study till 10, i really liked her and i did propose to her over the period of 2 years about 4 times,never publically.
Now she realised that she loves me and she proposed! But still i want to propose to her just to make her feel special. I live in delhi and she is in indore its a long distance! Please suggest some way to make a romantic propose… her parents are quite conservative. So it should not be too loud.
Thank u! =]
try Youtube video proposal dude… It might help u ;)
hi i am propose my lover but she is not responding my propose.I send some mail.but she is not reply me.please give some tips in my love propose
Hi loveinindia……
Im in the 9th std and I love a girl who is my class and I know that she LIKES me but I dont know what to do ahead….I tried flirting but it is not affecting her……what should I do…..will wait for your reply
I need help for Proposing my Dream Girl….
But first is there any way I can msg u privately pls…..!!
i want to propose a girl ..i am nerevous when she cross in the collage.i want some tips to propose my love.she smile when i saw
she is very possessive and most brilliant compared to me .
How can I propose my love ..I mean what can I gift her when I propose her ..
no flowers no ring..
plz suggest
I am in true love!!!! I want to purpose her but there are two problems. One is that I belong to a Punjabi Sikh family whereas she is Hindu. Second is that being in 10 th standard she only focuses on study. Though I am her classmate I have no confidence to talk with her. You will be amazed to know that I have been studying with her for 4 years but I have never pronounced her name in front of her one day I tried but I failed. So didi please!!!! Help me. Waheguru god will bless you!!!
give me a unique style of proposing
we like each other ….we indirectly told each other too……
now she has shifted….not too far….we have been outta contact…
nown plzz help how do i tell her i m hers and she is mine…..
how to propse a giri infront of me i am so tensed i am so afride what should i do ???
i want to propose a girl but not know whether she says yes/no . feeling ervous kya kru?
everythings fine, but ma bae has got an other guy…. :(
I love a girl in my class but hesitant of talking to her.once I proposed her with 2 of my poems for her but next day said sorry .now what should I do
Okhay… Lolz… Interesting .. but still …you know…its not as easy at it sounds …
actually i dont her and even she know me but the moment i saw her on facebook some 1000 kcal energy flown into me to propose her but its not correct to express love without knowing each other so i thought to proceed as freind so wat would be best way to approach through fb please reply me
actually i dont her and even she dont know me but the moment i saw her on facebook some 1000 kcal energy flown into me to propose her but its not correct to express love without knowing each other so i thought to proceed as freind so wat would be best way to approach through fb please reply me
plz help me how 2 propose my love
Idea for best proposal
i want to purpose a girl. i am stranger for her.
but she knows i am following her.
i know her name,her home every thing,but how i can purpose ???
Heey .. i have purpose a gIRL..
And she said.. i like uuh but its opposite to my parents rule.. sorry…
Now what can i do..
I want to propose my girlfriend, but we are already in love,I didn’t get a chance to propose her properly,can u suggest a cute way to propose her…